O Gurudev! Let my eyes be filled with tears of bhaav

रामनाथी येथील सनातनच्‍या आश्रमात राहून पूर्णवेळ साधना करणारे श्री. अपूर्व ढगे यांना सच्चिदानंद परब्रह्म डॉ. जयंत आठवले यांच्याविषयी स्फुरलेली भाव जागृत करणारी इंग्रजी भाषेतील कविता येथे दिली आहे.

श्री. अपूर्व ढगे

I can’t even imagine how you changed my life
Gratitude is the only word to describe

I was running the race to build my world
But you made me realize what is real and worth

My mind was in the dark
You filled it with positivity spreading the divine spark

Spirituality you taught, takes me away from all
I’m Learning new things like a baby who crawls

Hard to understand, but you made it easy
Practicing it, will keep me always busy (Note 1)

All i think is of me and mine
But forget to surrender at your holy feet, all the time

You have bestowed me with happiness
Still i fail to seek is your presence

You are the only one who can fulfill my prayers
Let my eyes be full of tears

Note 1 : Gurudev will keep me busy in spiritual practice, seva .

– Shri. Apurva P. Dhage (age 30 years), Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, ponda, Goa. (9.02.2022)

येथे प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेल्या अनुभूती या ‘भाव तेथे देव’ या उक्तीनुसार साधकांच्या वैयक्तिक अनुभूती आहेत. त्या सरसकट सर्वांनाच येतील असे नाही. – संपादक