Paratpar Gurudev, we are blessed to have You !

सच्चिदानंद परब्रह्म डॉ. आठवले

The purpose of your life
is to attain the Guru’s grace ।
Daily spiritual practice
will help you spiritually progress ।। 1 ।।

श्री. अपूर्व ढगे

Devotion and emotion (1)
is all that matters ।
And, chanting makes the
mind stable or else it scatters ।। 2 ।।

Accept everything to become perfect ।
This will remove your personality defect (2) ।। 3 ।।

Fortunate are you to live in the Guru’s shadow ।
Don’t ever forget His words,
which you just have to follow ।। 4 ।।

Gurudevji is showering blessings, pray to Him ।
If you face any obstacles, just tell Him ।। 5 ।।

Surrender yourself at His Holy feet ।
This is the only way to gain eternal peace ।। 6 ।।

The Path you have chosen
will make you learn all the time ।
Gratitude ! Gratitude ! Gratitude !
Is the only word that
will come to your mind ।। 7 ।।

Stay calm and don’t hurry ।
Gurudevji will always be with you,
there is no need to worry ।। 8 ।।

Experience His presence in everything ।
You will feel Bliss in
whatever you are doing ।। 9 ।।

Time is moving fast; we are close to our aim ।
Our mind should be full with
His Divine Name ।। 10 ।।

Think of Him all the time, every moment ।
Neither the past nor the future,
just be in the present ।। 11 ।।

Tip 1 : Spiritual emotion

Tip 2 : Lack of acceptance

– Shri. Apurva P Dhage, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Goa.

येथे प्रसिद्ध करण्यात आलेल्या अनुभूती या ‘भाव तेथे देव’ या उक्तीनुसार साधकांच्या वैयक्तिक अनुभूती आहेत. त्या सरसकट सर्वांनाच येतील असे नाही. – संपादक