Tamil Nadu CM Stalin and his son Udhayanidhi celebrate ‘secular’ Pongal while wearing shoes
Hindus should file complaints and press charges against them for denigrating the festival. Only after they are punished will there be some deterrence.
Hindus should file complaints and press charges against them for denigrating the festival. Only after they are punished will there be some deterrence.
The Communists have all but disappeared today in their original form. However, they have reorganised and morphed into hundreds of federated and interlinked groups working towards the same purpose – of Balkanizing what remains of India.
The blast reportedly took place on the Bedre-Kutru Road in Bijapur district. The jawans of DRG Dantewada, were returning in a Scorpio after a joint operation, the IG said.
The nationalists were thus made suspect in the eyes of the Congress which could never get over its supine stance vis-a-vis Islam and the Muslims. The suspicion has deepened in subsequent years, so much so that all nationalists have been ostracised from the Congress fold.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Kangana has exposed the fallaciousness of this agitation and its hidden anti national activities. Therefore, no matter what anyone says about her, it’s true that Kangana’s statement has achieved a lot of things!
To the noble sentiment of uplifting the backward sections are tied several other sentiments and principles. In the attempt to uplift the backward sections, care must be taken not to deliberately push the forward sections behind.
Dharampal, the veteran Gandhian came up with books written on the basis of British documents that demolished the British contention that India had nothing to offer except poverty, dogmatism, casteism, and ignorance. Unfortunately, his books vanished from bookshops and libraries never got a chance to buy them.
Congress did pass the Purna Swaraj Resolution but later Nehru interpreted it as permitting India to remain within the British Commonwealth under a Dominion status of the British crown.
We cannot forget the significance of the Indo-Pacific. The CCP has sparked border conflicts along the Line of Control in India and its submarines and warships regularly sail in the Indian Ocean.
By distorting the glorious history of Hindus, Communists created a state of confusion among Hindus and imposed a concocted history on them.