Did Kangana really go wrong?

Kangana Ranaut, Bollywood actress and Member of Parliament from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh is under fire in social media for making “controversial statements” all the time. When does any statement become controversial? When many people don’t like it or find it objectionable. Kangana has never tried to hide her Hindu and nationalist viewpoint and has always been outspoken and forthright regarding issues pertaining to the nation. The reason why her statements became “controversial” was because they pricked the leftist media and anti-Hindus. In an interview to a news channel, Kangana said that “Like Bangladesh, the farmers’ protest in India too was an international conspiracy. Rape and murder happened there too.” The opposition lashed out at her over this statement. In order to avoid any controversy, the BJP too shunned her, stating that they had nothing to do with what she said. That’s just politics; however, no one would deny the fact that ‘we should unitedly keep fighting against anti-national forces’. During the farmers’ protest, there was news regarding a rape and the death of a person. Though there were no excesses when compared to Bangladesh, one could not deny the fact that there were anti-India international forces behind both Bangladesh and the farm protests.

An agitation driven by selfish and antagonistic forces!

Who could forget that the year long farm protests caused a lot of inconvenience to the government and the public? Bharatiya Krishi Union leader Rakesh Tikait had stated that ‘the movement had gone on peacefully for 13 months.’ These protests were organised to oppose farm laws which would have benefitted the nation. The government could neither do anything against those protestors who were sitting at the borders of the national capital for 13 months or even till now, nor could it provide an adequate solution to them. Nothing more is needed to arrive at the conclusion that whatever was happening there was not appropriate. Foreign funds arrived in plenty for the agitation. They were provided with food and other facilities using these funds, and how many times were anti-India slogans raised during the agitation? Was all of this favourable to the nation? Was it even favourable to farmers? For months together, farmers were forced to leave their agricultural duties and spend their days on the roads under the sun and in the harsh winters. How would they have conducted their daily ablutions? How would they have slept? How many of those involved were actual farmers was a question that was raised many times. The gang leader of these so-called farmers even hoisted their flag on the Red Fort! That this agitation was a Canada-sponsored Khalistani groups inspired event was an open secret. It was clear that in order to pacify the agitators, the government had to withdraw these farm laws : however, the country had to pay a heavy price on the development front.

Putting the life of the Prime Minister in danger

During the Prime Minister’s visit to Punjab, it is these very agitators who blocked his path a short distance away from his cavalcade at a square. It was later found that even the police machinery was involved in blocking the PM’s path. They had become audacious enough to stop the PM of the country. The PM had to return, cutting short his visit. News regarding their plan of blocking the PM and then attacking him was revealed later and published widely. Not only did all these agitators have huge support from Khalistanis, but also that their plan of assassinating the PM had been hatched a few years prior.

Recently, Tikait, the leader of the farmers’ agitation, gave a statement that “PM Modi will be ousted in a manner similar to Bangladesh”. He made his anti national stance very clear with this statement. What more proof does anyone need of him being an anti national?

Farmers’ agitation: A part of the left ecosystem!

The farm laws that the Modi government wanted to implement were beneficial to the farmers. The middlemen operating between the farmers and the businessmen would have been eliminated and the benefits would have gone straight to the farmers. However, this agitation was erected by spreading the propaganda that ‘the government will not pay MSP to the farmers’ and that ‘the government is serving the interests of big business houses’. Had it been actually harmful to the farmers, then the farmers from the entire nation would have participated in it; however, that was not the case. Farmers who protested were mainly from Punjab, Haryana, and some parts of Gujarat. The propaganda of the farmers’ agitation was a part of the ‘leftist ecosystem’ (anti national systems where everyone supports each other). It was evident from the fact that a foreign singer who had no connection whatsoever with the country otherwise was supporting this agitation, that all of this was to further an anti-India international narrative. Any small issue in the country being blown out of proportion by the media, getting volunteers to agitate on the streets, obtaining foreign funds for such agitations, famous people lending their statements in support of the agitation through social media, all of this ecosystem can be tackled only by nationalist ideology coming to the fore, which is the need of the hour.

Breach in the ecosystem due to Kangana’s statement

What is all this – about maligning the nation’s image in front of the international community through farmers’ agitation, holding Modi government hostage, and now the leader of the agitation speaking of removing the PM from his post, i.e., pushing the country towards anarchy? Whenever such an agitation happens to take place, all of the opposition comes together against the PM, supporting such an agitation. In a sense, they too become a part of such an ‘ecosystem’. Member of Parliament, Kangana Ranaut making a statement regarding this agitation has, in a way, sent shockwaves across this ‘ecosystem’. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Kangana has exposed the fallaciousness of this agitation and its hidden anti national activities. Therefore, no matter what anyone says about her, it’s true that Kangana’s statement has achieved a lot of things!

In order to destroy the international leftist ecosystem that supports the farmers’ agitation, it is imperative that nationalist ideology should come forward!