Radiant Thoughts of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
Religious fanatics have more love for their religion than they have for the Nation; hence, they repeatedly harm the Nation
Religious fanatics have more love for their religion than they have for the Nation; hence, they repeatedly harm the Nation
Can the BBC ever dare to make objectionable statements on pilgrimages and celebrations of other religions ?
There are still many truly beautiful women in Bharat, who have not lost their spiritual connection to their inner Self !
Indian journalists are often the worst enemies of India and Indian culture, constantly harping at the negative sides of India !
The third feature which one discovers very soon is that people and parties who call themselves Leftist also claim to be progressive, revolutionary, socialist, secularist and democratic. At the same time they accuse the ‘Rightists’ of being reactionary, revivalist, capitalist and fascist.
Even when there are racist attacks on Indians in the USA, how many Indians say, ‘Come on, let’s return to our homeland now ?’ Is it better to live like a king eating vegetables & bread in the homeland or to live like a slave in a palace abroad and endure the ridicule of others ?
Through the Waqf Board, non-Hindus have encroached on the lands of temples and Hindus. In many cases, Hindus have lost their temple lands. To combat this, the Mandir Mahasangh demands not just amendments to the Waqf Act but its complete repeal.
A handful of people cannot represent the Hindu community. Hindus who are talking about compromising are digging their own graves. Those who are preaching compromise to Hindus are doing injustice to Hindus
‘Sanatan Prabhat’ Group of Periodicals wish readers, advertisers, well-wishers a radiant Republic Day !
The Temple contained a Shivalinga along with Idols of Deity Hanuman and Shri Kartikeya. The administration and Police reopened the Temple. This Temple had been closed during the 1978 Hindu-Muslim riots–