Tamil Nadu CM Stalin and his son Udhayanidhi celebrate ‘secular’ Pongal while wearing shoes
Hindus should file complaints and press charges against them for denigrating the festival. Only after they are punished will there be some deterrence.
Hindus should file complaints and press charges against them for denigrating the festival. Only after they are punished will there be some deterrence.
Mukherjee asked me, “What happens to tribals who convert ?” I replied, “They become Christians.” To this, Mukherjee responded, “No, they turn anti-national.
Merely demolishing the church is not enough; action should also be taken against the pastors responsible for conversions. Otherwise, they will simply build another church and continue the conversions.
He stressed the importance of exposing their activities and taking strict measures to counter their influence and preserve traditional Hindu values.
The law was passed to prevent conversions by using force or bait and take effective action against such conversions.
4 incidents of conversion uncovered in Uttar Pradesh and Odisha, 10 people arrested
Over 150 Hindus attended this event. When an attempt was made to halt the programme, strong opposition arose from those present.
To stop the increasing audacity of Christians, it is necessary to introduce an anti-religious conversion law.
Local citizens and organizations have provided the relevant video evidence to the Police. In this video, they are seen giving people ‘blessing oil’ and claiming the grace of Jesus and pressuring people to convert to Christianity.
4 salaried Christian missionaries had arrived at Boisar from Kerala and were spreading Christianity in Dahanu area of Palghar.