Radiant Thoughts of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
Invaluable guidance by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale through His radiant thoughts…
Invaluable guidance by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale through His radiant thoughts…
Birthday of Sanatan Saints as per tithi for the fortnight…
Bangladeshi Muslims are marrying tribal women. Women contest Parliamentary election under tribal quota.
Archaeology Department’s website link is – https://www.mahaaraeology.in
Pictorial Depiction on important national issue : https://sanatanprabhat.org/english/108215.html
Israel has demonstrated what needs to be done to destroy terrorism. Israel has once again shown to the world how to eliminate the enemy by entering the enemy’s terrain.
To the noble sentiment of uplifting the backward sections are tied several other sentiments and principles. In the attempt to uplift the backward sections, care must be taken not to deliberately push the forward sections behind.
People are questioning when will the State Government take concrete steps to prevent incidents of ‘Love Jihad’, etc. !
HJS contends that Manav’s actions undermine the Witchcraft Act and propagate offensive views against Hindu traditions and Saints.
Most authorities feel that affection by grahas is a result of bad deeds of the past life of the same individual. These grahas do not enter the body of child themselves, but affect the babies through their innumerable, microscopic followers, which thrive on blood, fat, muscles, etc. of the baby.