Hindu student commits suicide due to harassment for conversion by missionary school in Tamil Nadu
Harassed by the school for refusing to convert to Christianity
Harassed by the school for refusing to convert to Christianity
It is a shame that due to the inaction of the rulers, Administration and Police against conversion the tribals have to take to the streets.
These fake Hindus do not change their names because it is easier to mingle with the Hindus and convert them. Beware of such scheming Christians ! –
When will Pope Francis say that alluring poor and Adivasis for converting them, deceiving them later, stopping Hindu students to abide by their Dharma, is also an insult to God ?
Christian missionaries and Christian organisations have been accused of converting Hindus for decades. However, neither the Hindus got justice nor were the missionaries punished.
The regional secretary of Rashtriya Bajrang Dal, Ajju Chauhan said that Christian missionaries initiate conversion activities under the name of Santa Claus and New Year Celebrations.
“To change one’s religion is to change one’s nationality” – Savarkar had given a historic warning against religious conversion. The history is a testament to this.
It is shameful to Hindus that such things are happening in the Capital of India.
The Christian Missionaries do not hesitate to adopt fake practices to lure people into converting. Hindus, beware !
Christian Missionaries and Christian organisations are blamed for converting Hindus for decades. But neither the Hindus got justice nor the missionaries punished.