Albert Fernandes apologises in the temple after being arrested by the Police for abusing Shri Durgaparmeshwari Goddess in Karnataka
Would Fernandes have apologised in the temple, if the Police had not arrested him ?
Would Fernandes have apologised in the temple, if the Police had not arrested him ?
Destroy Pakistan to destroy the roots of jihadi terrorism in Kashmir.
In the name of freedom of expression, many anti-national statements are being made. The public expects the Government to make it more effective by deleting the shortcomings in the said law.
The Government should prosecute the accused in the Fast-Track Court and get the death penalty for the traitor
Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath at an event.
Realise that this news has been subdued by the Indian media, which otherwise makes fuss even about the false allegations against Hindu Saints !
Now, there should be an effort to make such a change in curriculum in all the BJP-ruled States.
UP ATS has revealed that financial assistance provided by the ISI is at the core of these conversions.
The body, mind and wealth have to be sacrificed to progress spiritually. At the same time, there has to be yearning to perform spiritual practice.
Until the creator of terrorists, Pakistan, is not destroyed, new terrorists will keep getting recruited,hence destroy the Bhasmasur called Pakistan.