Effect on Living creature by – Suppression of passage of gas through anus; suppression of defaecation, micturition, vomiting, cough, and sneezing etc.
Suppression of biological urges gives rise to different symptoms and diseases as referred here.
Suppression of biological urges gives rise to different symptoms and diseases as referred here.
It is important to avoid hereditary diseases–. Atharvaveda mentions the use of Bhagavati that is Laghushatavari, Aparajita or Vishnukranta and Taraka that is Indravaruni by expectant parents and pregnant women for the prevention of hereditary diseases.
Non-religious conduct of the parents and mother’s act of not observing regulations prior to the menstrual period may be harmful to the foetus as noted here.
Neither God nor the demons or ghosts torment man. Man himself is responsible for the painful or comfortable state of his health.
Psychological factors like fear and anger, which result in stress and sympathetic activity increases vata and pitta doshas in the body. On the other hand, joy or happiness that increases parasympathetic activity would result in increase in the kapha doshas in the body.
Not following dictates of one’s own conscience is the root cause of all the illness. One often follows a wrong path in spite of knowing its consequences e.g. Excessive indulgence in alcohol or other intoxicating items.
Physical and psychological constitutions are partly genetic or hereditary and partly acquired being modified by intra-uterine and extra-uterine environmental factors as well as the diet and activities of the individual.
In any disease the doshas accumulate, increase, spread, get localized in a particular organ and lead to manifestations of diseases after damaging the organ.
The increased raja and tama, in turn disturb vata, pitta and kapha doshas and gives rise to mental as well as psycho-somatic illness.
One should select food and drugs after considering one’s constitution, tolerance, digestive power and that which is beneficial or harmful to self