Srotodushti (Vitiation of Body Channels) : Rakta, Mansa, Meda, etc.

Ayurveda for a healthy life ! – 29/2024  on 1. 6.2024

5.     Rakta vaha srotas

‘Rakta vaha srotas’ that is channels carrying blood. Liver and spleen are the main sites of these channels, as these organs store blood and pump it into circulation whenever necessary.

These channels get vitiated by the following factors :

1.     The use of concentrated and hot wines or similar intoxicants.

  2.     The excessive use of salts and alkalies, acids and pungent articles.

  3.     The use of horse gram, black gram, til and til oil, common yam, radish etc.

   4.    All varieties of leafy vegetables.

5.    The use of flesh of aquatic animals.

  6.    Use of curd, sour kanjee, whey, vinegar & souveeraka wines.

7.    The use of articles that are incompatible or which have gone soft or are bad smelling.

8.    Sleeping in the day after having consumed liquid, unctuous and heavy foods.

9.    Indulgence in over eating.

10.    Anger and grief.

11.    Exposure to heat of the Sun and fire.

  12.    Suppression of urge of vomiting.

13.    Not practising blood letting in the proper season.

14.    Fatigue, injury.

15.    Eating food before previous meal is digested, indigestion and eating on a loaded stomach.

16.    The natural tendency of autumn season.

Skin diseases, acutely spreading diseases, menorrhagia, inflammation of rectum, penis and mouth, splenomegaly, gulma, abscesses, bluish-black mole, jaundice, ringworm, leucoderma, papules, wheals and reddish circular patches arise secondary to affections of these passages.

तत्र विद्धस्य श्यावाङ्गता ज्वरो दाहः पाण्डुताशोणितागमनं रक्तनेत्रता च ।      – सु. शा. ९.१२.

Injury to these channels results in pallor, cyanosis, fever, burning sensation, haemorrhage and redness of eyes.

कुर्याच्छोणितरोगेषु रक्तपित्तहरीं क्रियाम् । – च. सू. २४.१८.

The treatment as given in blood disorders (Rakta pitta) should be given.

6.     Mansa vaha srotas

The word ‘Mansa vaha srotas’ means the channels carrying nutrients to the muscular tissue. These are represented by blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves supplying muscles. These channels are vitiated by sleeping during the day after meal and by consuming large quantities of heavy food items over a long time.

Diseases of these channels gives rise to granuloma, malignant tumors, piles, warts, sloughing of muscles and dry gangrene.

तत्र विद्धस्य श्वयथुर्मांसशोषः सिराग्रन्थयो मरणं च । – सु. शा. ९.१२

Injury to these channels is characterised by swelling, atrophy of muscles, appearance of varicose veins and ultimately death.

The treatment consists of body purification by pancha-karma, operative measures and cauterisation.

7.     Meda vaha srotas

The word ‘Meda vaha srotas’ means channels carrying fat. These channels are represented by Intestinal lymphatic ducts. These channels are affected as a result of lack of exercise, sleeping in the day and excessive consump­tion of fats and wines.

The manifestations of affection of these channels are similar to premonitory signs and symptoms of prameha. These are excessive collection of tartar on the teeth, palate and tongue, burning sensation in hands and feet, sticky sweating, thirst and breathlessness.

तत्र विद्धस्य स्वेदागमनं स्निग्धाङ्गता तालुशोषः स्थूलता शोफः पिपासा च ।     – सु. शा. ९.१२

Injury to these channels results in oily perspiration, glossy skin, parched palate, local swelling and thirst.

Treatment as described in obesity should be followed.

8.     Ashthi vaha srotas

The word ‘Asthi vaha srotas’ means the channels carrying nutrients to bones. Nutrient vessels of the bones constitute these channels, which are usually embe­dded in fat. These channels are affected as a result of severe exercise, injury to bones, violent body movements and indulgence in other Vata promoting activities and dietary factors. Hypertrophy of the bones and teeth, atrophy and pain in the teeth and bones, discolouration and pathological conditions of the hair of the head, body, face and nails are the diseases arising from the morbidity in the bones.

अस्थ्याश्रयाणां व्याधीनां पञ्चकर्माणि भेषजम् ।

        बस्तयः क्षीरसर्पीषि तिक्तकोपहितानि च ।। – च. सू. २८.२७

Treatment consists of appropriate panchakarma like enemas and admini­stration of milk and ghee medicated with bitter drugs.

9.     Majja vaha srotas

The word ‘Majja vaha srotas’ means channels carrying nutrients to nervous tissue, bone-marrow and nerves. These channels are vitiated in crush injuries and compression of bones and indulgence in incompatible food items. Pain in joints, giddiness, fainting and deep seated wounds in the joints are
the symptoms of diseases of these channels.

The treatment consists of diet and medicines with predominantly sweet and bitter tastes, exercise, administration of emetics in spring and purgatives in autumn.

10.   Shukra vaha srotas

The word ‘Shukra vaha srotas’ means the channels carrying semen. These channels arise from testes, ducts carrying semen (Seminal vesicles and vas deferens), and open in the urethra.

अकालयोनिगमनात् निग्रहादतिमैथुनात् ।

        शुक्रवाहीनि दुष्यन्ति शस्त्रक्षाराग्निभिस्तथा ।। – च. वि. ५.१९

These channels carrying the semen get vitiated as a result of untimely coitus, unnatural sexual acts, suppression of sexual urge, excessive indulgence in sexual act and from the effects of surgical instruments, alkalis and heat. Affection of these channels result in impotence, sterility, abortion & conge­nital deformities. Injury to these channels leads to delayed or absence of emission or emission of blood streaked semen.

The treatment consists of diet & medicines predominantly sweet & bitter in taste, exercise, administration of emetics in spring and purgatives in autumn. Intercourse at the appropriate intervals is beneficial.

11.   Pureesha vaha srotas

The word ‘pureesha vaha srotas’ means channels carrying faecal matter in colon and rectum. These passages consist of colon and rectum.

विधारणादत्यशनादजीर्णाध्यशनात्तथा ।

        वर्चोवाहीनि  दुष्यन्ति  दुर्बलाग्नेः कृशस्य  च ।। –  च. वि. ५.२१

These channels are vitiated by suppression of urge of defaecation, wasting diseases, weak digestive power, eating in excess and indigestion.

The clinical manifestations of the diseases of these channels are tenesmus with scanty stool, watery or scybalous stools & scanty or copious stools. In­jury to these channels is characterised by the retention of stools, distension of abdomen and abdominal lump.

The treatment should be advised on the line of diarrhoea or constipation depending on the case.

12.   Mootra vaha srotas

The word ‘Mootra vaha srotas’ means the channels carrying urine. These channels include kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. These channels are vitiated from drinking excessive water and indulging in excess of food and sex, suppressing micturition, wasting diseases and injury to the urinary passages.

अतिसृष्टमतिबद्धं  प्रकुपितमल्पाल्पमभीक्ष्णं  वा बहलं सशूलं मूत्रयन्तं दृष्ट्वा मूत्रवहान्यस्य स्रोतांसि प्रदुष्टानीति विद्यात् । – च. वि. ५.८

Diseases of these channels lead to excessive, interrupted, provoked, scanty or painful micturition. The urine may be thick and may dribble intermittently or continuously. Injury to these passages leads to retention of urine, haemo­rrhage in bladder and numbness of the genitals.

The treatment as given for the disease ‘Dysuria’ should be administered.

13.   Sweda vaha srotas

The word ‘sweda vaha srotas’ means channels carrying sweat. These channels are vitiated by severe exercise, exposure to heat, indiscriminate indul­gence in cold and heat as well as from anger, weeping & fear. Anhydrosis, hyperhydrosis, roughness or excessive smoothness of the skin, goose skin and burning sensation are the manifestations of affection of these channels.

The treatment as advised for Jwara should be followed.

14.   Artava vaha srotas

The word ‘Artava vaha srotas’ means channels of reproductive organs in females that is uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina.

तत्र विद्धायां वन्ध्यत्वं मैथुनासहिष्णुत्वमार्त्तवनाशश्च । – सु. शा. ९.१२

Injury to these channels lead to sterility, suppression of menstruation and inability to copulate. The treatment consists of treating the appropriate gynaecological disorder.

General treatment of diseases of body channels

Treatment of diseases of these channels consists of administration of diet & pursuing activities, which will subdue the increased doshas and strengthen the weakness of the diseased tissues.

In diseases due to obstruction of channels, one should see that the openings of the body channels are kept patent, so that the doshas can be easily brought from tissues and organs to the gastro-intestinal tract. Once they are brought to the gastro-intestinal tract, they can be got rid off by emetics, purgatives or enemas.