Effect on Living creature by Congenital Anomalies like – Psychological factors, manifestations; How to prevent congenital anomalies, Suppression of natural urges

It is important to avoid hereditary diseases–. Atharvaveda mentions the use of Bhagavati that is Laghushatavari, Aparajita or Vishnukranta and Taraka that is Indravaruni by expectant parents and pregnant women for the prevention of hereditary diseases.

Time and season, Doshas and season, Age, Sex, Regional factors, Occupational factors, Excessive, inadequate or abnormal use of sense and motor organs : Its Effect on Living creature

Psychological factors like fear and anger, which result in stress and sympa­thetic activity increases vata and pitta doshas in the body. On the other hand, joy or happiness that increases parasympathetic activity would result in in­crease in the kapha doshas in the body.