Srotodushti (Vitiation of Body Channels) – Various grahas and the associated reproductive conditions in Manifestation, Predisposing factors and prognosis

Ayurveda for a healthy life ! – 34/2024 on 16.8.2024

Note : It is in continuation of earlier text ‘Manifestations of affection by supernatural powers’ (Visit link :

Some of these affected children represent cases of hereditary, congenital or metabolic diseases. The following list gives the names of various grahas and the associated conditions.

1.    Shushkarevati – Absence of menstruation and secondary sex characters

2.    Katambhara – Thin, lean and weak woman with absence of menstruation, but normal life span

3.    Pushpaghni – Normal menstruation, but sterile with presence of hair on face

4.    Vikuta – The menstrual period is irregular and menstrual flow is abnormal in colour and quantity. Such a woman appears at time strong and at times very weak without any reason

5.    Parisruta – Woman becomes thin and suffers from continuous vaginal discharge

6.    Andaghni – Abortion

7.    Durdhara – Abortion with under developed foetus whose various body parts are not differentiated

8.    Kalaratri – Miscarriage with well developed foetus. Woman survives the miscarriage with difficulty

 9.    Mohini – Woman may die during delivery

10.    Stambhini – Absence of foetal movements

 11.    Kroshana – The foetus cries in uterus

 12.    Yapya or Dakini – Fetal death

 13.    Pishachi – Children die immediately after birth or punyajani

 14.    Pilipichhika – Children of mothers affected by Yakshi, Asuri, Kali, Varuni, Shashti, Bhiruka, Yamya, Matangi, Bhadrakali, Raudri, Vardhika, Chandika, Kapalamalini and Pilipichhika die on second or fifteenth day.

15.   Vashya -Foetal death in 5th, 6th or 7th month.

16.   Kulakshayakari – Boys die, girls live without any special effort.

17.   Paurushadani – Child dies before 16 years

18.   Sandanshi – The previous child dies when woman becomes pregnant again

19.   Karkotaki – Such a woman is afflicted with abnormal foetus, grahas or death

20.   Indravadava – One or both twins die.

21.   Vasavamukhi – If one of the twins die, other also dies

Grahas affect the baby as they enjoy torturing or killing the baby, or for purpose of fulfilling their desires through the offering made to them by the parents of the babies. Most authorities feel that affection by grahas is a result of bad deeds of the past life of the same individual. These grahas do not enter the body of child themselves, but affect the babies through their innumerable, microscopic followers, which thrive on blood, fat, muscles, etc. of the baby. They thrive at night and in unclean places.

2.  Predisposing factors

A.    Not observing cleanliness particularly after going to toilet.

B.    Injury or ulcers on the body.

C.    Not following traditions of the family.

D.    Non-religious conduct and cheating others.

E.    Fear due to threatening, beating or frightening.

F.    Not respecting priests, saints, teachers and guests.

G.    Taking food in unclean and broken vessels.

H.    Mentally unstable, selfish and greedy.

I.    Indulging excessively in eating, sex, sleep, exercise, harmful activities and falsehood.

J.    Visiting lonely and inauspicious places like cemetery.

K.    Killing animals including cow, goat and snake.

3.  Prognosis

A.   Fatal Outcome : Continuous discharge from nose, watering of the eyes, ulcers on the tongue, grunting respiration, progressive emaciation, discolouration of skin, inability to speak, bleeding from all body orifices, burning sensation, pus-like vomitus, playing with own stools and urine, fainting off and on, stiffness, injuring self or others and entering fire or water indicate fatal outcome.

रहःस्त्रीरतिसंलापगन्धस्रग्भूषणप्रियः ।

हृष्टः शान्तश्च दुःसाध्यो रतिकामेन पीडितः ।। – वा. उ. ३.३७

Wearing fragrant flowers and ornaments, talking to ladies and young girls in lonely places, and a happy mood indicate that such a person is affected by cupid and such a person may get cured, but with difficulty.

B.    Good Prognosis : Miserable, frightened and worried look; dryness of mouth, throat and lips; crying excessively, refusal to take feeds and touching the face off and on indicate good chances of recovery when affected by graha.