Mrs Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar reached the spiritual level of 72% on the strength of Her spiritually pure attitude and sadhana while living in a political environment and became Sanatan’s 132nd Saint

In fact, performing sadhana while leading a worldly life is very difficult, and performing sadhana while living in a joint family that has a political background is much more difficult. Even then, Mrs Jyoti Dhavalikar, who has an innate spiritually pure

Radiant Thoughts of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

If devotees manage temple affairs, the worship and serving of the Deity will be enriched with bhav (Spiritual emotion). This does not happen presently, since temples are controlled by Governments.

Radiant Thoughts of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

If devotees manage temple affairs, the worship and serving of the Deity will be enriched with bhav (Spiritual emotion). This does not happen presently, since temples are controlled by Governments.