Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale’s guidance to seekers during a satsang
Residing in an Ashram leads to dissolution of the seekers’ mind, intellect and subconscious mind, leading to progress.
Participate in compiling Sanatan’s Texts
The responsibility of keeping the banner of Sanatan’s vibrant literary work flying is now entirely on the younger generation. Since this satseva is at the level of Jnan-shakti (Energy of knowledge), it also leads to rapid spiritual progress.
What is meant by dissolution of the mind and intellect ?
For self-fulfilment, the mind behaves as per its own whims and fancies. Hence, acting against the mind is by itself sadhana.
Sanatan Almanac : A Profound Treatise on Hindu Dharma
The Almanac not only provides information on important dates, auspicious times, Saints, Revolutionariers, etc., it also educates on the invaluable treasure in Hindu Dharma and the conducts necessary to live happily !
Jnan-Deep-Bodha : Dialogue between Deity Dattatreya and Gorakshanath
The conversation between Deity Dattatreya and Yogi Gorakshanath (Incarnation of Deity Dattatreya) in the form of questions and answers is called ‘Jnan-Deep-Bodha’ and it holds extraordinary importance in the Nath Sampradaya (sect).
Some precious words of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil
Process of eradicating Personality Defects and Ego as taught by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is the true circumambulation of the Divine in a pure heart.
Increase your inner strength through worship to endure the struggle for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ! : Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
Will it be possible to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ without any struggle, when the Nation had to struggle for Independence ? For this, we have to prepare on all fronts from today itself.
O’ Seekers ! Do not harm your spiritual practice by getting entangled in worldly pleasures !
How will seekers progress if the Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) they obtain through their daily spiritual practice is spent on worldly pleasures ?
Progress fast spiritually before the intensity of the adverse times increase by participating in speeding up the satseva of compiling Sanatan’s Texts
If seekers perform Text publishing satseva as per Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s resolve, they will progress fast spiritually !