Increase your inner strength through worship to endure the struggle for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ! : Sachchidananda Parabrahman   (Dr) Jayant Athavale

‘Hindu Rashtra’ will be established

Namaskar to all the warriors of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ who have gathered here with the objective of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. The moment to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is approaching fast. Think of Ramrajya – it did not materialise by itself; Maryadapurushottam Shriram had to use the bow to establish it. Therefore, do not nurture the illusion that establishment of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ is going to be an easy task. While the mission of reinstating Dharma is assisted by the subtle Divine energies, the negative energies in the subtle dimension are striving to oppose it. The opposition to the demand for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ at the physical level is proof of this subtle opposition. There will certainly be a conflict with these opponents of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in future. Will it be possible to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ without any struggle, when the Nation had to struggle for Independence ? For this, we have to prepare on all fronts from today itself. This struggle requires inner strength (or spiritual strength) which can be obtained by worshipping God. Everyone should perform spiritual practice, worship God so as to obtain this spiritual strength. According to the significance of the times, the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will be established after 2025; however, the worship of God and selfless deeds for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in this period will ensure everyone’s spiritual progress.

I pray unto the Holy feet of Shrikrushna that may all warriors of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ get the wisdom to turn to devotion, and may the strength of Gods be bestowed upon them to participate in the mission of establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !

– Worship of God and selfless deeds for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will ensure eveyone’s spiritual progress !