Sambhal (Uttar Pradesh) – The District administration launched a major crackdown against encroachment and electricity theft in the Shahi Jama Masjid area here on the morning of 14th December. During the operation, a Shiva Temple that had been closed for 46 years was discovered in the Mahmood Khan Sarai area. The Temple contained a Shivalinga along with Idols of Deity Hanuman and Shri Kartikeya. The administration and Police reopened the Temple. This Temple had been closed during the 1978 Hindu-Muslim riots, following which 20 to 25 Hindu families fled the area, and the Temple, which belonged to one of these families, was sold and remained closed ever since. The Temple is located just a short distance from the residence of Samajwadi Party MP Ziaur Rahman Barq. (Despite this, he did nothing to preserve the Temple, thus exposing the mentality of the Samajwadi Party and specifically, Muslim MPs. – Editor) Under the supervision of District Magistrate Rajender Pensiya and Superintendent of Police Krishna Kumar Bishnoi, the Temple was cleaned, and efforts are underway to uncover a well, concealed by construction. Efforts are being made to trace the owner of the house. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has been directed to conduct carbon-dating of the Temple.
1. During the crackdown, over 300 houses were found stealing electricity, including several mosques. In one mosque, 59 fans, a refrigerator, a washing machine, and 25-30 light points were found to be powered through theft.
2. Executive Engineer of the Electricity Department stated that action is being taken against the culprits. To ensure the safety of the Electricity Department teams, two Police contingents were deployed in the area.
3. District Magistrate noted that Sambhal is notorious for being the hub of electricity theft, with losses amounting to crores of Rupees each month.
4. Additional Superintendent of Police warned that encroachments on any religious site or public property will not be tolerated. Strict legal action will be taken against encroachers.
Fear prevented priests from performing Puja
Vishnu Sharan Rastogi, Patron of Nagar Hindu Sabha said – “We lived in the Khaggu Sarai area. After 1978, we sold our house. Deity Shiva’s Temple was here, but we could not take care of it. No priest dared to stay at this place”. (Hindus are afraid to live in Muslim-majority areas, while Muslims assert their dominance in Hindu-majority areas. Think of the reasons why ! – Editor)