Surya Namaskar is a set of asanas in combination of 12 steps. These steps comprise 8 asanas and 4 asanas are repeated. All the 12 steps done in proper sequence complete the process of one round of Surya Namaskar.
The meaning
The Sanskrit name ‘Surya’ here refers to the Sun and ‘Namaskar’ means salutations. Surya Namaskar has been handed down from the enlightened Sages of the Vedic age. The Sun symbolizes spiritual consciousness, from ancient times is worshipped on a daily basis.
In Yoga, the Sun is represented by the Pingala or Surya nadi, the pranic channel which carries the vital, life-giving force. Its versatility and application make it one of the most useful methods of inducing a healthy, vigorous and active life, while at the same time preparing for spiritual awakening and the resulting expansion of awareness.
It is a spiritual practice, in which asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques are included. Each step has its own mantra.
It is an excellent group of asanas to practice in the morning. Surya Namaskar has a direct vitalizing effect on the solar energy of the body which flows through Pingalanadi. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar regulates Pingalanadi, whether it is underactive or overactive. Regulation of Pingalanadi leads to a balanced energy system at both – mental and physical levels.
Before practicing Surya Namaskar, carefully observe the contra-indications of the eight component postures and ensure that they can be performed comfortably.
General contra-indications
• It should be avoided in case of people suffering from coronary artery diseases, spinal injury, hernia and peptic ulcer.
• People with back conditions should consult a medical expert before commencing this practice.
• During the onset of menstruation, this practice should be avoided.
• During pregnancy, it may be practiced with care, under the guidance of Yoga expert.
Starting Position – Stand erect with feet together and arms by the side of body. Balance the whole body on the feet equally (samasthiti).
1. Namaskarasana : Bring the arms up and join the palms together in Namaskar mudra close to the heart region with normal breathing.
2. Hastottanasana : Inhale, raise both arms up, stretch the body and bend backward without bending knees.
3. Padahastasana : Exhale, bend forward from the lower back. Place the palms on the ground by the side of the feet. Try to touch the shin with the head without bending the knees.
4. Ashwasanchalanasana : Inhale, place the left leg back as far as the knee can stretch & keep the right knee & foot at 90° angles, arching the back and look up between the eyebrows centre.
5. Santolanasana : Exhale, Stretch your left leg behind such that it is line with your right leg.
Your hand should be aligned with your shoulder. In the final position your shoulder, back and hip should be in a straight line.
6. Ashtanga Namaskara : Inhale and exhale, keep the knees, chest and chin down to the ground.
Lift the hips slightly up and elbows pointing upwards.
7. Bhujangasana : Inhale, lower the hip, raise the head and push the chest up to the navel. Keep the palms on the ground.
8. Parvatasana : Breathing out, lift the hip up and lower the head in an inverted ‘V’ shaped posture.
9. Ashwasanchalanasana : Breath in, bring the left leg forward and place the left foot between the palms.
Keep the right foot & knee on the ground and bend the spine backward & look up in-between the eyebrows centre. Same as step 4 except the leg position.
10. Padahastasana : Exhale, bring the right eg forward and place it beside the left foot. Place palms on the ground by the side of the feet. Same as step 3.
11. Hastottanasana : Inhale, raise the upper body and bend backward without bending the knees, same as step 2.
12. Namaskarasana : Exhale, come back to the original position and bring the palms together in namaskar mudra in front of the chest. Breathe normally.
This is one round of Surya Namaskar. Repeat the same process of 12 Steps by using the right leg in the 4th position (Ashwasanchalanasana).
(Courtesy :; Image courtesy : Rishikesh Yog Temple)
Practising Surya Namaskar facing the rising Sun removes all sorts of eye defects, and you enjoy good eyesight even in old age ! |