What are the origins of Surya Namaskar ?
Swami Satyananda : This dynamic group of asanas is not a traditional part of Hatha yoga practices as it was added to the original asana group at a later time. However, the origins of Surya Namaskar date far back to the earliest epochs of history, when human beings first became aware of a spiritual power within themselves that is also reflected in the material Universe. This awareness is the foundation of Yoga. Surya Namaskar can be seen as a form of worship of the Sun and all that it represents in the micro and macrocosmic levels. In yogic terms this indicates that Surya Namaskar awakens the solar aspects of an individual’s nature and releases this vital energy for the development of higher awareness. This can be realized by the practice of Surya Namaskar each morning, as well as being a fine way to pay tribute to the source of creation and life, thereby carrying on the solar tradition.
What is the purpose of Surya Namaskar ?
Swami Satyananda : Surya Namaskar is an effective way of loosening up, stretching, massaging and toning all the joints, muscles and internal organs of the body. It is an excellent group of asanas with which to start morning practice. Its versatility and application make it one of the most useful methods of inducing a healthy, vigorous and active life, while at the same time preparing for spiritual awakening and the resulting expansion of awareness.
The influence of the Sun
The Sun is the presiding Deity of the eyes. Practising Surya Namaskar facing the rising Sun strengthens the eyes, removes all sorts of eye defects, and you enjoy good eyesight even in old age.
There is some peculiar affinity between the Sun and the eyes that the scientist cannot discover in his laboratory or by vivisection. It is known to (and seen by) only the rishis who possess the eye of intuition. Then you will enjoy the incalculable benefits of their wisdom which no amount of vain argumentation will bestow on you. Facing the morning Sun, you are witnessing the daily miracle of God’s creation. Night follows day and day follows night.
The Sun rises to dispel the darkness that enveloped the earth; all people rise with Him and feel thankful that God has granted them yet another day of health and strength to serve Him and His children. The mind is at once elevated to the realm of the Divine. What a glorious example the Sun sets before us !
He shines equally upon all. He is unaffected and unattached to anything. He is regular and systematic. He does the Lord’s will unquestioningly and with perfect self-surrender. As you perform Surya Namaskar, meditate on these sublime ideas. Pray to the Sun to illumine your intellect and enable you to lead the Divine life.
Before you commence the practice, recite the Surya Dhyana and the Upanishadic prayer to the Sun. Before doing each Namaskar, recite the names of the Sun and, while you do the Namaskar, repeat ‘Om’ or your ‘Ishta mantra’. This is very important. This provides the foundation for the magnificent edifice of Surya Namaskar. This is the culture of the soul.
Pray to the Sun : ‘O Lord ! Kindly illumine my intellect. Remove the ignorance that veils the true nature of myself. Let me behold my own self”.
The Lord who indwells the Sun will listen to your prayer. Your prayer will be answered. You will realize that just as there is not a pinpoint of darkness in the Sun which is Absolute Light and Light alone, so also the self is Absolute Knowledge, Absolute Truth, Absolute Bliss, Perfection, Immortal, Infinite. So, kindly be regular in the practice of Surya Namaskar from today.
(Courtesy : Excerpts from an Address by Swami Sivananda during All-India and Ceylon Tour; 30.10.1950, Amalsad, Gujarat; Chronicler Swami Venkatesananda)