Death Sentence to Rapist of 5-Year-Old Girl in Madhya Pradesh
If Every Rapist is Given the Death Penalty, Such Incidents can Stop !
If Every Rapist is Given the Death Penalty, Such Incidents can Stop !
It should come as no surprise if someone demands that such lustful Muslims be tied up in a public square and stoned to death according to Sharia law !
On March 15th, the girl had gone to the market to buy some stuff with other children. A Muslim youth kidnapped her from the market, took her to a lake situated 200 m away & raped her.
6 teams have been formed to investigate the crime. “We have taken immediate action following the woman’s complaint, and the accused will be arrested soon,” assured the police.
bdul Aziz Baba alias Aziz Razzaq Shaikh, who claimed to be ‘Sufi saint’, after intimidating and drugging , sexually assaulted four women of a Hindu family in 2019 at Yeola in Nashik district, then forcibly converted them.
This cannot be tolerated,” said Madan Dilawar, Education Minister in the BJP Government of Rajasthan, in the Legislative Assembly. Dilawar had made similar statements about Akbar earlier too.
Serious crimes like rape and murder committed by students of madarasas are frequently coming to light. This raises the need to investigate the kind of education being imparted to them.
The victim alleged that Constable Arun spiked her drink with an intoxicant and then sexually assaulted her.
The accused approached her and told her that the bus going to Phalatan was leaving from another platform. He misled her to a broken-down parked bus, offering to help in getting a seat in the bus.
A Commendable decision by the Maharashtra Government. It is expected that a law will be passed at the earliest to curb ‘Love Jihad’ and ensure justice for Hindu women who fall victim to such cases.