Delhi HC refused the plea to ban Jitendra Tyagi’s book ‘Muhammad’
The petitioner claimed that the book had contained remarks against Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad.
The petitioner claimed that the book had contained remarks against Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad.
Only because the Muslim minority, which is 15% of the population, wants to consume ‘Halal’ meat, it is being forced upon the rest 85% of the people.
“To change one’s religion is to change one’s nationality” – Savarkar had given a historic warning against religious conversion. The history is a testament to this.
In Islam, publishing a picture of Muhammad Paigambar is forbidden.
Hindus who have been converted by deceit, force, greed or fear, all should revert to Hindu Dharma.
‘Hindu Dharma’, the only universal Dharma that does not claim ‘It is the only way, the rest are false’ !
Do the other world leaders feel the same as Tony Blair or do they still want to continue living in the fool’s paradise of secularism ?
The sensible and wise leaders from the Muslim community should oppose impetuous and superficial statements. They will have to persevere in it. It is our test and we need to give more time to it.
“In India, if you are critical of islam people would say ‘you are an extreme right wing hindutva vadi’.
The message read, ‘O Allah, liberate Levant, Somalia, Yemen, Kashmir and other Islamic lands of the world.