Manipur Violence : Don’t Treat People As Guinea Pigs

The 33 lakh population comprising a little more than half of Hindus, about 44 per cent of Christians and rest of Muslims, Buddhists, etc., are currently facing a civil war-like situation. The people at large are running helter-skelter for their life. Mob attacks with not only traditional weapon of bow and arrow but also with ‘imported’ highly sophisticated guns, bombs and what not have been used against each other. To understand the battle lines more clearly, it is necessary to know that the tiny State of North-Eastern panorama, Manipur, is a landlocked State sharing its borders with Bangladesh on the East and Myanmar to the North. Some of these people have their roots in Myanmar. The principal ethnic communities – Meity and Kuki are basically schedule tribe. But over the times, Kukis have largely converted to Christianity, thanks to the relentless efforts of foreign missionaries. While Meities, mostly Hindu, are based in the down hill plains, Kukis are all over the hills. The Meities have been demanding the status of Schedule Tribe officially so as to get several benefits from the Government. Kukis see this demand as discrimination against them. Hence, the bloodshed. But this is just a pretext.

As we know, Meghalaya, Assam, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, etc., have a large number of ST population. Therefore, opposing the demand in Manipur is bound to spread over all these States. And once this happens with the overt and covert support of the fanatic Jihadi elements, the cherished dream of cutting the Chicken’s Neck, could be easily fulfilled. Since the Hindutva Government came to power in 2014, there has been a visible restlessness among Jihadi groups and Christian missionaries. Extremist organisations like the Progressive Front of India (PFI) and thousands of conversion factories run by the Christian missionaries have been shown their place by the cancellation of licences for receiving foreign funds.

The black money holders are in a routine manner targetted by the Central Agencies like CBI, ED and IT. The stripping of the privileged status of Jammu and Kashmir by removing Articles 370 and 35-A from the Constitution of India has left these anti-National organisations in a state of bewilderment. Seen in this context, the Governments of Manipur and rest of the North-Eastern States with active cooperation of the Central Government should crush the violent elements under iron foot.

The network of illegally entered Rohingya Muslims must be cracked and dealt with firm resolve. It is ironical that in Hyderabad alone, according to media reports, there are about seven lakh Rohingya Muslims. All of them have been ‘legalised’ by the State Government by way of providing them ID proof, ration cards, Aadhaar card, etc. This may be a strategy to garner votes during the elections, but this is certainly a nefarious ant-National activity.

The Supreme Court and High Courts should wake up to the call and take suo motu cognizance of the matter so as to ensure the sovereignty and integrity of the country. In a Democracy, Governments come and go; but the Nation remains.

The Governments for their petty political gains may turn a deaf ear to the grave situation; but the nationalist defence forces, security forces and Police should never abdicate their word of commitment given to the Nation at the time of entering in the service. In short, let the gullible people be in the centre of all the undertakings of an elected Governments who are duty bound to protect life and property of the people.

Dr HC Upadhyay (Courtesy :, 24.7.2023)
(Dr HC Upadhyay practices in the Supreme Court of India.)