O’ Hindus ! Commit to hoist the Gudhi of the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in Secular India !

The present time is more favourable than ever before for the awakening of Sanatan Dharma. One example of this is that over 66 crore Hindus bathed in River Ganga at the Mahakumbha Mela in Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh), which came after 144 years. This means that an estimated 60% Hindus in India, who take pride in Sanatan Dharma, bathed in the Holy Ganga. Therefore, this is the right time to create awakening among Hindus who have pride in Sanatan Dharma.
Currently, the pinnacles of Hindu Dharma such as Sanatan Dharma, Culture, Scriptures, Time measurement, Sanskrut, Gaumata, River Ganga, Temples, and so on are facing a crisis. If we truly want to overcome the lassitude that has crept into Dharma in India, then creating a Sanatan Dharma-based system of governance in Secular India would be the only lasting solution. Therefore, it is imperative to create awareness among the awakened Hindus about the steep downfall of India & Sanatan Dharma due to secularism, and thus motivate them to establish a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in the existing secular India. O’ Hindus ! Commit to establishing a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ in India on the Yugadi Tithi of Gudhipadwa (Hindu New Year day), which is one of the three and a half muhurts (Auspicious times) according to the science of Sanatan Dharma !
– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale, Founder, Sanatan Sanstha (26.2.2025)