Seekers required for early publishing of over 2,000 Texts compiled by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale
By reading Sanatan’s Texts, society will become sattvik and this will be conducive for establishing the ‘Hindu Rashtra’ !
Appeal to join the mission of spreading knowledge through Texts. This is an appeal to take maximum advantage of this golden opportunity
Guidance by Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil on how to perform spiritual remedies during spiritual distress…
Paratpar Guru (Dr) Jayant Balaji Athavale is the Name of the Incarnation in the current Divine Play. Sanatan’s seekers are witness to this Incarnation’s Divine Play.
A few days before the Janmotsav of our beloved Paratpar Gurumouli, Principles of Shri Guru and Shri Vishnu begin to descend onto the earth.
Smt. Dagawar is a seeker who is quiet, stable and has intense yearning for sadhana, strives to make her family members and relatives follow the path of Spirituality ! – Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale
H.H. Sushri (Ms) Ratnamala Dalvi has virtues such as loyalty to the Guru (God) Principle, obedience, steadiness, humility, introversion, complete surrender while performing satseva.
Depending on your interest and ability, you can contribute in the compilation, formatting and translation of the Texts into various languages.
If seekers perform Text publishing satseva as per Paratpar Guru (Dr) Athavale’s resolve, they will progress fast spiritually !