Govt records on Kumbha Mela history exhibited at the ‘Kala Kumbha’ art fair
An officer named Liaquat Hussain received multiple promotions and salary increments for his so-called “efficient management” of the Kumbha Mela.
An officer named Liaquat Hussain received multiple promotions and salary increments for his so-called “efficient management” of the Kumbha Mela.
Additionally, the area has been painted green, and events for a so-called ‘Urus’ are being organized there. Hindu organisations have urged the district administration to take action in this matter.
Hindus need to pierce the veil of historical ignorance like Razia did and understand Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb for what it really is.
While criticising Pakistan for its behaviour, India said that Pakistan has the worst history as regards violation of human rights.
The excavation was conducted by a team from the ‘Public Research Institute of History’, including Dr MA Srinivas and S Ashok Kumar.
Subsequently, Hindus were allowed to worship every Tuesday, and Muslims were permitted to pray on Fridays.
Onslaughts have manifested in religious-intellectual-cultural bankruptcy of a Nation that once was the ‘Vishwa Guru’ !
We are currently facing challenging times as religious fanatic jihadis pose a serious threat to the lives of Hindus.
Pakistan has expressed its anger saying, ‘this is a very irresponsible comment of Yogi’.
Most professional historians in India have written history books only for their peers and hapless students !