Mrs Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar reached the spiritual level of 72% on the strength of Her spiritually pure attitude and sadhana while living in a political environment and became Sanatan’s 132nd Saint

Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale

Since 1999, Mrs Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar from Goa has been performing sadhana under the guidance of Sanatan Sanstha. Her husband, Mr Sudin Madhav Dhavalikar, is the Power Minister of Goa now and former Deputy Chief Minister. Therefore, their family has a political background. In fact, performing sadhana while leading a worldly life is very difficult, and performing sadhana while living in a joint family that has a political background is much more difficult. Even then, Mrs Jyoti Dhavalikar, who has an innate spiritually pure and religious nature, managed Her family life well and also progressed spiritually through qualities such as being calm, having a stable and devoted nature, good planning skills, family loyalty and devotion. Due to Her sadhana, she even treated politics from a spiritual perspective, which is highly commendable and worthy of emulation.

In fact, power, authority and money make an individual arrogant and he moves away from God and Dharma; but Mrs Jyoti Dhavalikar is an exception. Due to Her virtues of having a negligible ego, treating everyone equally, helping others, behaving with discretion, striking a good balance between business and Spirituality, etc., she is rapidly progressing spiritually.

In 2013, Mrs Jyoti Dhavalikar reached the spiritual level of 61%. On Guru Purnima of 2024, Her spiritual level was 69%. On this auspicious day, she has reached the spiritual level of 72% and has become Sanatan’s 132nd Samashti Saint. Pujya (Mrs) Jyoti Dhavalikar has proved that one can progress spiritually and attain Sainthood even in a political environment. I pray at the Holy feet of Shrikrushna – ‘May Pujya (Mrs) Jyoti Dhavalikar rapidly progress spiritually in future as well’.

– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (24.2.2025)