Waqf Board Seizes Hindu Family’s Property in Vijayapura (Karnataka)
The family members, including Suresh Teradal, had offered a small section of land for Muslim funeral rites without any formal documentation.
The family members, including Suresh Teradal, had offered a small section of land for Muslim funeral rites without any formal documentation.
But does Zameer Ahmed have the courage to speak out against Tipu Sultan, who converted one lakh Hindus into Muslims in a single day ?
Minister Patil further said that the Deputy Commissioner of the District will investigate this. It will take two days to initiate action to withdraw the notices sent. Out of 1,200-acre, only 11-acre land is Waqf property.
Swamiji said, “We never called anyone and dictated, ‘Do this.’ People came to us asking, ‘What is your opinion ?’ Our stance is, ‘If you claim to be without caste, then why count caste groups ?’
‘Halal’ certification is unnecessary since India has an official food safety and quality control authority. A massive Halal economy is, however, operated within India today.
Radical elements have escalated to issuing dismemberment threats, showing a blatant disregard for the law and authorities.
The Dalits of Koppal were prevented from entering the haircutting salons and food stores. This started a brawl between two groups, which later took a violent turn.
Vice president of Hinwada Grampanchayat Sunil Shankarappa Tudeegal said it is mentioned in the notice that this land belongs to Shah Ameenuddin Dargah; but this dargah did not exist for centuries.
Pujari made false and outrageous statement that, ‘One lakh backward caste girls have become prostitutes’.
This prediction was done on 21st October, early morning at 3.45 a.m. through H.H. Siddharth Done Maharaj Vaghapure (H.H. Bhagwan Done Maharaj’s son).