Atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh double in 2019

Hindus, Sikhs and other minorities in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh are taking shelter in India due to atrocities committed on them. They will get citizenship of India under the Citizenship Amendment Act. However, Congress and other opposition parties oppose this move, but they do not speak a word about Islamic countries which are persecuting these minorities.

What action do the Hindus take for the Hindus being persecuted in Bangladesh ? The Chief Minister of Bengal Mamata Banerjee takes care of religious fanatic refugees from Bangladesh; but, she is silent over the plight of victimised Hindus in Bangladesh.

New Delhi – According to the Secretary-General of Bangladesh Jatiyo Hindu Mahajote-BJHM (Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance – BNHGA) Advocate Gobinda Chandra Pramanik, there have been more than 3,000 incidents of persecution against people of religious minorities in Bangladesh in the last 12 months (from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019).

In a press conference on 2nd January 2020 at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU), Adv. Pramanik quoted various sources from newspapers and social media as well as from the Hindu Mohajote (An alliance of 24 Hindu organisations in Bangladesh).

In over 3,000 incidents, 31,505 minority Hindus were under attack of Jihadis, in many places under the cover of both AL (Awami League), BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party), and 9,507 acres of Hindu lands were grabbed by local Muslim musclemen either from the ruling parties or the opposition. Nearly 108 Hindus were murdered in 2019 while 42 Hindu girls and women were raped apart from 18 minority women being gang-raped and 6 raped and murdered. Thirty-four cases of attempt to rape/molestation were also reported. (The fact that leaders of the ruling party are involved in persecuting Hindus in Bangladesh gives credence to the assumption that jihadi terrorism is sponsored by the Government in Bangladesh itself. Every political party in Bangladesh hates Hindus. Therefore, even if the opposition party such as BNP comes to power tomorrow, there will be no end to the victimisation of Hindus there. – Editor)

Of the 3,000 incidents, 683 have been reported in different News Papers/Magazines/Periodicals and social media platforms, the rest unfortunately, went unreported. (Whenever a stone is hurled at a mosque or church any-where in the world, it becomes ‘breaking news’. However, no media reports about the assaults on Hindus. – Editor)

The reports of attacks on 449 Hindu worship places-temples have also been divulged, where 246 Deities/Idols were destroyed by the idolators in Islamic Bangladesh. Nearly 371 Hindu families have left Islamic Bangladesh due to severe persecution and threats, and 434 Hindu families have been driven out from their dwelling within the country. About 148 cases of forced conversion to Islam were also reported. Nearly 2,261 Hindu families so far were put in an utter insecure situation in 2019 in comparison to 1,510 Hindu families made vulnerable in 2018. (Besides granting citizenship to these Hindu refugees, the Indian Government should also try to teach a lesson to these Islamic countries. – Editor)