‘Devacha Nyay’ (God’s justice) trend tops on ‘X’ in connection with Akshay Shinde encounter

Badlapur – Rape accused Akshay Shinde was killed in an encounter. In this connection, ‘Devacha Nyay’ (God’s justice) hashtag is trending on social media platform ‘X’. The hashtag is on the top of the list of trending hashtags. Thousands of posts have been circulated on social media in support of Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis.

Rs 51,000 reward from Sharmila Thackeray to the Police

MNS leader Avinash Jadhav said, ‘Raj Thackeray’s wife Sharmila Thackeray has announced a reward of Rs 51,000 to both the Policemen involved in this encounter. Money is not important; but such cases should be solved like this.”

Badlapur school trustees involved in human trafficking and ‘child pornography’: RTI Activist Ketan Tirodkar

RTI activist Ketan Tirodkar has filed a PIL in the Bombay High Court. He has accused the school trustees of Badlapur school of being involved in human trafficking and ‘child pornography’. It is also stated in the petition that another girl missing from that school was lodged in the same Police station on the second day after the sexual assault case was registered in Badlapur. It has been demanded in the petition that the investigation of this case be transferred to the Central Crime Investigation Department. Bombay High Court will soon hear the PIL.

Akshay Shinde’s parents live at the railway station as the villagers chase them away

Akshay Shinde’s house was vandalised by the villagers of Kharwai after the girls were tortured in Badlapur. The villagers forced Akshay Shinde’s family members to leave the village. Currently, his parents have to sleep in the corner of the railway station.

After Akshay Shinde was killed in an encounter, his family became aggressive. ‘Let us see our son, or kill us too’, his parents demanded; but the Police stopped them.

Will file a petition for the investigation of Akshay’s encounter : Adv. Asim Sarode

I am not sad that Akshay Shinde was killed; but he should have been punished through judicial process. If it had happened, the rules could have been established so that what happened in Badlapur would not happen anywhere else. Therefore, Advocate Asim Sarode said that he will file a petition in the Bombay High Court demanding that the Akshay Shinde encounter case be investigated under the supervision of a judge. He also said that according to the Supreme Court, encounter is murder.