China should first regain control of its 1 million square km land from Russia

Taiwanese President taunts China

Taiwanese President Lai Ching Teh

Moscow (Russia)/Beijing (China) – Taiwan has now taken a jab at the growing friendship between China and Russia. Taiwan’s President, Lai Ching-te, stated that if China’s claim over Taiwan is truly about territorial integrity, then the Chinese Government should first focus on reclaiming its 1 million square kilometers of land from Russia. With Russia currently at its weakest, this presents the best opportunity for China to take back its territory.

China claims that Taiwan is part of its territory and that it will be reclaimed under any circumstances. The statement from Taiwan’s President has brought the border dispute between Russia and China back into the spotlight.

What is the land dispute between Russia and China ?

The root of the border dispute between Russia and China lies in an agreement made in 1858, during the Second Opium War, following China’s defeat. This agreement was reached between the Russian monarchy and Yishan, an official representing the Chinese emperor. As a result of this agreement, Russia acquired 1 million square kilometres of Chinese territory, which includes the city of Vladivostok. Over the years, there have been numerous calls within China to address Russia’s control over these territories. Recently, Chinese nationalists have brought this issue to the forefront, claiming Vladivostok as Chinese land, and demanding that Putin return the city.

Experts believe that China has its sights set on the Vladivostok region mainly because of its abundant natural resources. The eastern part of Vladivostok holds vast reserves of oil and gas. India and Japan have invested billions of dollars in this region as well. In a bid to expand its influence, China has been steadily sending its citizens to settle in these border areas. Recognising the threat posed by China, Russia is encouraging India to establish a city in the region adjacent to Vladivostok. India is also investing billions of dollars in this area. A Chinese expert has suggested that after dealing with Taiwan, China might turn its attention to reclaiming territory from Russia.