‘Al Qaeda’ advises to make Bangladesh an Islamic State

Dhaka – ‘Al Qaeda’, terrorist organisation which is active in the Indian sub-continent, has published a 12 page message for the people of Bangladesh. Al Qaeda has called the ouster of Shiekh Hasina ‘people’s revolution’. It has congratulated the citizens of Bangladesh for removing Hasina who was a slave of India. In this message, ‘Al Qaeda’ has advised that an Islamic State should be established in Bangladesh. It has also appealed Bangladesh’s interim Government to adhere strictly to the Islamic laws.

1. Al Qaeda’s message also warns the people of Bangladesh not to trust the Armed Forces who participate in this revolution along with them. For the success of the revolution, the leadership of the Armed forces should be removed, says the ‘Al Qaeda’.

2. ‘Al Qaeda’ said that the Bangladesh Army Chief sent Shiekh Hasina to India in an Army aircraft.

3. ‘Sahab Media’ has written an article about Al Qaeda’s message. It said that this message from Al Qaeda could affect the current political activities in South Asia.

4. Al Qaeda’s message emphasised that the Islamic agencies in Bangladesh should focus on implementing the Sharia law in Bangladesh.

Editorial Perspective

Keeping this in mind, it is necessary to declare India a Hindu Rashtra soon. Only a Hindu Rashtra will be able to deal adequately with Jihadis, fanatics, and terrorists.