Sadhana is the solution to all problems! – Swami Nirgunananda Puri, International Vedanta Society

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) : Pitiable condition of Hindus in various States

Swami Nirgunananda Puri

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa – The political situation in West Bengal deteriorated during the communist rule. The communist government did irreparable damage to our tradition and culture. During this period the condition of Hindu society became pitiable. Hindus stopped going to temples. Today in Bengal, the villages have become desolate due to the exodus of Hindus. These villages have been taken over by Muslims. Tribals, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes here are being alienated from Hinduism. They are being told that they are not Hindus. These people are being deceived by creating false narratives. Society is being divided. Swami Nirgunananda Puri of Bengal stressed that sadhana (Spiritual practice) is the sole solution to all problems. He was speaking on the topic ‘Challenges to Hindu Unity in Bengal and Solutions’.

He added that as the problem grows, the enemy grows stronger. We must know our enemy and face them boldly instead of fleeing. We must prepare the counter-narrative to counter the narrative.