British councillor shouts ‘Allah-hu-Akbar’ after being elected in local polls : The West is about to discover how Islamists use Democracy to subvert freedom and civilisation

Ms Siddhi Somani
Siddhi Somani is known for her satirical and factual hand in Economic, Social and Political writing.

Having completed her post graduation in Journalism, she is pursuing her Masters in Politics.

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She is a Journalist @OpIndia_com, ex-NewsBharati.

With Ali’s election to power, those who cherish secular and democratic ideals in Britain should be wary of the possible subversion of Democracy by elected radicalists. Such sentiments are not uncommon in other Western Nations, which are grappling with a similar scourge. From France in Continental Europe to the USA across Atlantic, Islamism is gradually spreading its menacing claws.

Ali declared that his election was a victory for the people of Gaza

After achieving victory in the municipal election, a video of the recently elected British councillor for Leeds city council yelling ‘Allah-hu-Akbar’ has gone viral over the internet. Father-of-three Mothin Ali, 42, gained notoriety for his passionate victory speech in Leeds, during which he declared that his election was a ‘victory for the people of Gaza’.

As per the report, Ali was one of several dozen candidates across Britain who defeated their respective Labour Party opponents by promising their campaign on the Gaza war. Naheed Zohra Gultasib, who won the seat from Walsall, also said that this win was for the people of Gaza and that the Labour Party need not take the Green Party for granted.

About Mothin Ali wearing a Palestinian scarf

Ali is considered a devout Muslim, whose utterances after being elected in the local polls also reflect his passionate support for the Ummah, an Arabic term that refers to Pan-Islamism. He is also a zealous advocate of Palestinians and attracted attention recently for his trenchant criticism of Israel over the Gaza war.

Ali showed support for the Palestinian cause in several TikTok videos, calling Gaza ‘the biggest concentration camp in the world’. His remarks also sparked discussion and criticism as he extended support to Palestine and Hamas after the brutal October 7 attack that led to the deaths of over 1,200 Israelis.

Ali’s viewpoints on social media sparked intense conversations, particularly regarding his remarks about Israel’s actions in Gaza. His accusations of ethnic cleansing and likening of Israeli forces to ‘white supremacists’ drew criticism from many quarters. However, Ali’s electoral victory, despite the controversies surrounding his political stance, reflects a broader trend of growing support for pro-Palestinian sentiments within certain communities in Britain and other Western Nations.

Rising wave of Islamism in the UK, Europe, and the US

To many in the UK, the mainstreaming of Islamism, as manifested by Ali’s victory, has come as a rude shock. But to the keen observers of Britain’s changing cultural and social dynamics, it has only reaffirmed their belief that the UK, like many of the Western Nations, is inexorably entangling and intertwining itself with the rising wave of Islamism.

Islamism and the similar ideology supporting terrorist activities in other parts of the world are spreading rapidly across British territory. Earlier, during the Leicester violence, several Islamists including the Islamist scholar Mohammed Hijab, provoked the local Muslims to wage violence against Hindus.

A video of Hijab blaming and mocking the Hindus and their religion went viral on the internet in September 2022. Hijab, who is claimed to be a notorious Islamist influencer also gained attention when the Hamas attacked Israel in October 2023.

Changing population demography helping radicals

Besides, the changing population demography is also helping to cement radical Islamism among a restless population that is yet to come to terms with the end of what they refer to as the ‘Glorious period’ when Britain was a colonial power. The population of Muslims in the country is steadily rising. According to the data, the Muslim population of the UK in 2023 was 4.13 million, representing 6.3% of the population. This marked an increase from 4.9% (2.7 million) in 2011. Reports also claim that the Muslim communities have contributed to 33% of the increase in the population of England and Wales between 2011 and 2021.

Given this major demographic shift and the rise of Islamist influencer leaders like the Hijab, the Muslims residing in the country are allegedly adopting violent methods and getting down on the streets, raising their voices against non-Muslims, in their bid to fulfil the religious obligation of pursuing the goal of Dar-ul-Islam (House of Islam), and homogenising an innately cosmopolitan society.

With Ali’s election to power, those who cherish secular and democratic ideals in Britain should be wary of the possible subversion of Democracy by elected radicalists. Such sentiments are not uncommon in other Western Nations, which are grappling with a similar scourge that threatens to upend their social and cultural fabric as Islamic radicals attain political relevance and power to inform policy decisions that run counter to the Western ideals of Democracy and pluralism.

While it is most apparent in Britain, France, on Continental Europe across the English strait, has also been in the grips of Islamism, which emerges on the surface now and then, often with gory incidents. The ghastly attack on Samuel Paty, a teacher who was beheaded by an Islamic radical over charges of blasphemy, in 2020, and its aftermath brought to the fore challenges Islamism posed for the democratic and secular ethos espoused by France. After France ordered a crackdown on Islamists in its borders, several Muslim countries opposed the move, pressurising the Macron Government to go soft on the radicals and thus emboldening the Islamic fanatics operating within France.

In addition, several European ISIS fighters, who had joined the terror ranks in Syria with the fantasy of establishing a Muslim caliphate, are now returning to Europe, leading to the eventual undermining of Democracy and subversion of individual rights and freedom.

Across the Atlantic, the US isn’t safe from the threat that Islamism poses to the peace and tranquillity of the world’s oldest Democracy. Arguably, the US is among few of the countries in the world most affected by the menace of growing Islamic radicalisation. The election of contentious characters to the US Senate and political institutions demonstrates the seriousness of the matter. US politicians such as Ilhan Omar, infamous for her Islamist bent, speak to the threats facing the US Democracy.

Ilhan, who was elected to the House of Representatives from Minnesota on a Democrat ticket, is seen as someone running errands for the powerful Islamist lobbies, whose only aim is to push radical Islam in modern societies.

India’s fight to curb Islamist terrorist activities

India has long been used to Islamists using Democracy as an instrument to further their radicalism and militant ideology. Several institutions, although putatively democratic, are in the stranglehold of those who are either Islamists or known for pushing their points. Any attempts by the Centre aimed at reformation are often countered with allegations of ‘fascism’, ‘authoritarianism’, etc.

Indeed, Congress along with many political parties have been furthering the Islamist agenda under the garb of ‘working for the benefits of minorities’. Congress, and its national allies, routinely extended support to the Muslims under the guise of a ‘minority’ label, extending them unconstitutional reservations and fulfilling their unfavourable demands. This only emboldened Islamic outfits such as PFI, which kept coming up with a revised set of unfavourable demands and aims, including making India an ‘Islamic country’ by the year 2047.

The Islamists through such organisations provoked local Muslims to engage in Jihad against non-Muslims, especially women. This eventually has given a boost to the increase in cases of ‘Love Jihad’ and ‘Land Jihad’ in the country. The Muslims trap Hindu women, claim ownership, and grab the lands of Hindus, causing troubles with the support of the so-called secular political parties. The free hand allegedly offered to the Muslim Waqf Boards by the previous regimes, the political and ideological support granted to rioters as witnessed during anti-CAA protests and the ongoing hearing in the Delhi riots, championing rights for infiltrators such as Rohingyas, and the outsize concessions granted to Muslims on the grounds of minority welfare are all subliminal efforts aimed at compromising democratic institutions and gradually shaping them to conform to Islamist sensitivities.

Now, amid the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the opposition parties are even provoking the Muslims to practice ‘Vote Jihad’ which is again concerning given the democratic structure of the country.

Notably, the PM Modi Government is making all efforts to identify these terroristic efforts and put a ban on such practices for the Nation’s betterment and development. The Government imposed a ban on the PFI in the year 2022, the organization that had planned to make India an Islamic Nation by the year it completed 100 years of Independence.

All these instances illustrate how Islamists are now using Democracy to attain their ulterior motives, which would eventually lead to the establishment of an oppressive medieval-era Sharia law and subsequent curtailment of individual rights and freedom.

Countries across the world, from India to the US, should realise the magnitude of the threat lurking before them and initiate necessary action should they wish to preserve their Democracy and civilisation.

(Courtesy : Excerpts from an Article on, 6th May 2024)

The Muslims in UK are adopting violent methods and getting down on the streets, raising their voices against non-Muslims !