The real Adishakti Jagadamba is residing on Earth through the medium of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Mukul Gadgil : Saptarshis
Since Kartikputri has embarked on Divine journeys in various capacities, these journeys have a lot of importance !
Since Kartikputri has embarked on Divine journeys in various capacities, these journeys have a lot of importance !
Many seekers of Sanatan Sanstha who had not progressed spiritually despite performing spiritual practice for many years, were fortunate to attend the satsang of Sanatan Sanstha’s Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil by the grace of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil patiently listened to the difficulties faced by these seekers in their vyashti sadhana … Read more
Shri Guru had arrived at the venue in a golden chariot. Everyone had the Darshan (Glimpse) of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale in Shri Vishnu’s form along with His Spiritual Heirs – Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil.
Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale is Jeevanmukta; yet, He will continue to remain active for the seekers !
Spiritual progress is fastest while serving Jnanshakti; hence, participate in the satseva of publishing Spiritual Texts !
India is respected in the world because of its Spirituality. Rationalists who refute or criticize it are nothing but traitors !
To know more about the extent of Scientific Research by MAV, its specialities, and different satsevas available in this context are givenin this article…