Incomparable Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal, who progressed rapidly in sadhana

The Divine journey of Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal revealed through the changes in Her appearance in photos from 2008 to 2022

1. To end the intensified adharma and establish Dharmarajya (‘Hindu Rashtra’) at the end of the current mini Kaliyug, God has taken birth as partial Incarnations in the form of Sanatan’s three Gurus

Incarnations are born to reinstate Dharma. Shriram incarnated at the end of Tretayug and Shrikrushna at the end of Dwaparyug. Both were complete Incarnations. At the end of an Era when adharma (Unrighteousness) is at its zenith, an Incarnation comes to destroy adharma and reinstate Dharma. In the present, Kaliyug (whose span is approximately 4,00,000 years), has barely completed 5,000 years. Therefore, a complete Incarnation is not possible – only a partial Incarnation is. Every Yug (Era) that lasts lakhs of years has multiple smaller cycles of all the four Yugs, each lasting a few thousand years. Currently, under the main Kaliyug, a short version of Kaliyug has ended and the transition period for the start of a short version of Satyayug has begun. Hence, the possibility of a partial Incarnation taking birth. Saptarshis have brought to our notice through the medium of Nadipatti that God has incarnated in the form of 3 Gurus of Sanatan Sanstha, to destroy the rampant adharma that prevailed at the end of the short Kaliyug, and to reinstate Dharma (‘Hindu Rashtra’). The samashti mission of these 3 Gurus is also going on in a similar fashion.

2. The virtues of complete Incarnations are revealed to society at an early age; however, in the case of partial Incarnations, their Divinity manifests only when the time for God’s designate mission is ripe

Even though the people did not know that Shriram and Shrikrushna were Incarnations when they were born, society began to get glimpses of their Incarnate nature since their childhood. The slaying of Demons by them during childhood was part of their Incarnate mission of reinstating Dharma. This means, they revealed their qualities since childhood. On the other hand, although the partial Incarnations have Divine qualities, they do not come in the limelight from their infancy. When the Incarnate individual grows up and it is time to manifest the Incarnate nature in front of society, people begin to identify them. This means that the Divinity in them begins to manifest only when it is time for God to get the mission accomplished through them. Their qualities begin to sparkle. Then, the change in the individual’s appearance over a period of a few years is clearly visible and His work too catches the public eye.

Thus, in this Article, the photos of Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal between the years 2008 and 2022 show how Her complexion has changed, and what qualities have begun to peak through the tasks She accomplishes.

3. Changes in Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal’s components of sadhana (Spiritual practice) between the years 2008 and 2022

3A. Components such as bhav, inner sadhana, yearning for sadhana, ego and distress caused by negative energies : An individual’s ongoing sadhana is tested by aspects such as bhav (Spiritual emotion), inner sadhana (Sadhana in the subconscious mind), yearning for sadhana and ego. In an average individual who does not perform sadhana, the components of bhav, inner sadhana and yearning for sadhana are 0%, meaning non-existent; so also the individual’s ego is high, meaning, it is 30%. In the present phase of Kaliyug, the components of bhav, inner sadhana and yearning for sadhana in an individual can be at the most 30%. It implies that by performing sadhana a common individual has to increase these 3 components up to 30% and reduce the ego from 30% to least possible. An individual’s distress due to negative energies is the doing of his/her prarabdha (Destiny that is experienced in this birth). When the distress is severe, the individual’s sadhana is spent in overcoming the distress.

3A 1. Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal’s spiritual level at that time was less than 60% (photo from the Year 2008) : Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal was suffering from a lot of distress due to negative energies at that time. As a result, She is not able to watch the picture for a long duration.

3A 2. Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal attains 61% spiritual level (photo from the Year 2011) : Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal would perform other satsevas earlier. Later, she started shouldering the responsibility of getting sadhana performed from the seekers in the Ashram. As a result, She moved from vyashti sadhana (Individual spiritual practice) to samashti sadhana (Spiritual practice for the spread of Spirituality). At that time, the extent of Her samashti sadhana was 25%. From the table above, it can be seen that Her ego as well as the distress due to negative energies reduced progressively. These changes are seen on Her photos as well.

3A 3. Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal attaining Sainthood (photo from the Year 2013) : Later, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal began to shoulder the responsibility of sadhana of seekers everywhere. She started conducting satsangs for those seekers.

She began to solve their problems in sadhana. Now 50% of Her sadhana was at the samashti level. As a result, She attained Sainthood. It increased Her inner sadhana, as well as Her yearning to perform sadhana. Yearning has a lot of importance in sadhana. Upon attaining Sainthood, the level of Her Anand (Bliss) increased, and Her complexion became yellow with a glow on Her face. After attaining Sainthood, the negative energy distress She was suffering from reduced considerably. This can also be noticed from the table, as well as from Her eyes in the photos.

3A 4. Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal attaining the level of Sadguru (in 2016) : With the passage of time, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal started guiding seekers everywhere in sadhana. As a result, these seekers also began progressing in Spirituality. This was followed by accomplishing the mission of propagating Spirituality not only all over India but all over the world, as expected by Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. In this way, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal’s samashti sadhana increased further and it became 75% and She reached the Sadguru level. This further enhanced Her yearning for sadhana, and Her ego reduced considerably. A look at Her photo from that time reveals an abundance of Anand radiating from Her, so also the fact that She no longer suffers from distress caused by negative energies. Consequently, we can focus on Her eyes easily. It can also be noticed that Her countenance has become radiant.

3A 5. Saptarshis giving Her the title of Shrisatshakti (in 2022) : In the year 2019, the Saptarshis declared Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil as Spiritual Heirs to Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale. This meant that they no longer had to perform vyashti sadhana; consequently, their samashti sadhana reached the 100% level. After this, in the year 2020, the Saptarshis gave Mrs Binda Singbal the title of Shrisatshakti and Mrs Anjali Gadgil the title of Shrichitshakti. Looking at the photo of Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal clicked in 2022, one can easily perceive pure divinity that befits the Incarnation of Shrisatshakti in Her. It can be seen from the table that the components of Her bhav, inner sadhana and yearning for sadhana reached the highest possible level. This itself is the divinity in Her. The Saptarshis always mention the fraction of Shri Mahalakshmidevi in Her, and also praise Her qualities.

If we look at the photos of Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal given on Page 7 in a chronological order, we can easily see the growth in Her sadhana and the Incarnate nature that She has developed. We are drawn and riveted to Her final photo, which reveals the developed Incarnate nature. This is verily the sign of divinity !

4. Gratitude

Emotion of surrender is all that is needed to decipher the photos of an individual as Divine as Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal. To study Her photos subtly, I surrendered completely at the Holy feet of Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale and Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal as well; because, doing this satseva is as difficult as investigating the ocean bed. Yet, by the grace of Shri Guru I was able to do it. Hence, I express my gratitude at the Holy feet of all the three Gurus of Sanatan.

– Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil (PhD), Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay, Goa. (7.10.2023)

Saptarshis revealing through the medium of Nadipatti that Sanatan Sanstha’s Gurus – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil – are Incarnate forms

Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil

Through numerous Nadipattis, the Saptarshis have narrated the merits of the 3 Gurus of Sanatan Sanstha – Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale, Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal and Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil and their mission to establish the ‘Hindu Rashtra’. Hence, their Incarnate nature has been revealed to seekers of Sanatan Sanstha. Saptarshis have prefixed the titles to the 3 Gurus. From these titles we can realise that Dr Athavale is Vishnu-form, while Mrs Binda Singbal and Mrs Anjali Gadgil are Goddess-form. Seekers have also had spiritual experiences to this effect.

Saptarshis have brought to our notice through the Nadipatti that God has incarnated in the form of 3 Gurus of Sanatan Sanstha !