Sanatan’s Texts – A guiding light for introduction to Spirituality and a practical guide

Sachchidananda Parabrahman
(Dr) Athavale

Theoretical information about Spirituality is essential to perform spiritual practice


A. When I think of the different Texts on Spirituality, I wonder why compilers often restrict themselves to its theoretical aspect and not delve deeper into the practical aspect of putting it into practice. One day, while contemplating on this, God suggested the importance of Texts that help the spiritually curious understand the theoretical aspect of Spirituality.

B. The theoretical information about God can nudge a spiritually curious individual to perform spiritual practice, to know Him (the Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent God) better, and later, to experience His presence as well. The spiritually curious individual may have different perspectives on Spirituality. Even though he may not understand spiritual practice and its importance in the initial phase, these Texts will introduce him to Spirituality and, after a while, he will begin on his spiritual practice.

C. In India, many have a basic understanding of Spirituality because of traditions which include ritualistic worship, spiritual discourses, etc. However, people who are not part of such activities or reside in foreign countries may not be inclined to understand Spirituality and perform spiritual practice. Hence, the Texts on Spirituality serve as a guiding light for all who are interested in understanding this unique spiritual aspect of life.

D. If an individual has performed spiritual practice in his previous birth, he could continue with it in the current birth. However, if someone has never performed spiritual practice in previous births, he should study Spirituality as a beginner. Here, such Spiritual Texts will be useful.

E. In addition, if one performs spiritual practice incorrectly due to lack of knowledge (eg. – incorrect chanting), it does not bring about spiritual progress. Studying Spirituality becomes imperative.

Spirituality is a practical science; therefore, it is essential to study Texts compiled by seekers who have performed spiritual practice.

Reading Texts compiled by seekers who have practical experience in spiritual practice is highly beneficial. On the other hand, reading Texts compiled by someone who has theoretical knowledge but no practical experience is a waste of time for the compiler as well as the reader.

Practising Spirituality is more important than merely having a theoretical understanding of the subject

Even though having a basic understanding of Spirituality is essential, it does not mean one needs to devote his life to studying Spirituality. In Spirituality, theory has just 2% importance, whereas spiritual practice (sadhana or various acts for God-realisation) has 98% importance. For example, merely studying Dasbodha (A Holy Text compiled by Samartha Ramdas Swami) is not enough if one does not practice its teachings. Sanatan’s Spiritual Texts provide a treasure of information on this practical aspect – How should one practice Spirituality.

A humble request to the compilers of Texts on Spirituality

Although Holy Scriptures such as the Vedas, the Puranas, Shrimadbhagwad -geeta, and Texts such as Jnaneshwari, Dasbodha, and Eknathi Bhagawad cover the theoretical aspects of Spirituality, they focus solely on how to practice Spirituality.

Therefore, I request the compilers of Spiritual Texts, that once they understand the rationale through this Article, they should include a few lines to convey – ‘Although these Texts make delightful reading, a true seeker needs to value the practical aspect of Spirituality more, since only spiritual practice can bring about spiritual progress and not just theoretical knowledge’.

– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale

A true seeker must value the practical aspect of Spirituality more, since only spiritual practice can bring about spiritual progress !