![]() ‘VISION 2030 – Nehemiah PUSH’ is designed to convert half of the Indian population to Christianity by making 4,00,000 Churches in every nook and corner of our country. |
New Delhi – After ‘Vision 2047’ document made by the banned Islamic organisation Popular Front of India surfaced for the Islamization of India under Ghazwa-e-Hind, the planning of Christianization of India through 4,00,000 unchurched villages has come to light from the ‘VISION 2030 – Nehemiah Push’ programme of ‘Harvest Church India’ based in Chennai.
In its 2-day (11th-12th January 2023) ‘Nehemiah Consultation’ in Chennai’s Radission Blu Hotel, the strategic Church leaders met to make a big push for Christianization of India under the leadership of Rev. Kalyan Kumar of ‘Harvest Church India’.
In this high level meeting of Church leaders, it was resolved that random mass conversions would be run in the name of Jesus to target 2292 ‘unreached’ people groups that have 59,92,74,000 people – almost half of the Indian population.
For such huge conversions as expected by the Church leaders, they read the following prayer from the Bible 25 times for twenty five target groups – Ch. Isaiah 65:1 – I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a Nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I’.
The ‘VISION 2030’ has targeted 25 castes in its first phase so far declared for the Conversion to Christianity as per the planning of the Harvest Church India. The targeted castes come from different occupations and languages all over India, obviously poverty stricken and socially backward in which 11,84,14,000 are Muslims. The rest – 48,08,60,000 – come from Hindu-Sikh-SC-ST and aboriginal folds.
The ‘VISION 2030’ clearly declares, ‘Ask God to raise prayer teams which will begin breaking up the soil through worship and intercession. Ask the Lord to call full time Christian workers to work amongst the ‘Brahmin_Yatav_Chamar_Rajput … Pathan_Ansari_Mahishya_Mali’ … all in the target list of Harvest Church India.
The prayer cards state – ‘Ask the Holy Spirit to grant creative ideas of Evangelism to the Missionaries / Churches / mission agencies that God would rise to work amongst the Bania,_Jat_Kurmi_Teli … Mappila_Koli_Kopri_Khar”… and all others to be converted to Christianity. The ‘VISION 2030’ prays for a ‘vibrant Church planting’ all over India for a big demographic change.
The huge flow of foreign funds is obviously reaching India to support ‘VISION 2030’ in which they are so confident and agile to make India a Christian country by the year 2030. The Governments, whether in the Center or the States, lack the will, and hence, organisations such as ‘Harvest Church India’ run their activities of open conversions to bring others under the flag of Christianity. Such devilish planning of ‘Harvest Church India’ must be banned forthwith.