Kolhapur – In a meeting organized to demand that the original name of the ‘Shivaji University’ be preserved, the warning of an assault was issued if there was an attempt to extend the name. Reports in this regard have been published in some other newspapers. A demand was made in this meeting that the name of ‘Shivaji University’ not be extended to ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University’. (Isn’t it a contradiction to say that ‘India is a democratic country and has the rule of law’ and on the other hand, to issue a threat of an assault ? Why do pseudo liberals have a problem in calling Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, who created the pride of Hindu identity by destroying 5 rulers and creating a Hindu State, as ‘Chhatrapati’ ? Isn’t such opposition an opposition to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj himself ? – Editor)
Also, all the public representatives from Kolhapur who supported the extension of the name of the university were condemned in this meeting. (Elected representatives represent thousands of citizens. Condemning representatives who were democratically elected and supported the right issue is like disbelief in democracy itself. Also, to ridicule representatives who had previously agreed with the issues raised by pseudo liberals and oppose those who support Hindutva, nation and Dharma related issues is the hypocrisy of these people. After realising this hypocrisy of the pseudo liberals, the alert citizens of Kolhapur District have forced anti-Hindu representatives to sit at home- Editor).
Uproar and opposition in the general assembly of ‘Shivaji University’ over the extension of name
In the general assembly of ‘Shivaji University’ held on March 15th, some members opposed the name extension by wearing black ribbons. After this, some members raised slogans to preserve the name ‘Shivaji University’. Initially, an adjournment motion was moved demanding that ‘Shivaji University’s name should not be extended’. When this motion was not accepted, there was another uproar. Finally, this motion was accepted without discussion. At this time, slogans like ‘Our university Shivaji University’ were raised. Vice Chancellor Dr. D.T. Shirke and other officials were present for this meeting.
Editorial PerspectiveThe hypocrisy of talking about ‘democracy’ and ‘the Constitution’ on the one hand and taking the law into own hands on the other, has now been noticed by alert citizens of the country. |