Obscene and Unnatural Act with a Calf by Sufiya Khan in Jalgaon

  • Complete Shutdown in Muktainagar by Hindus in Protest!

  • Case Registered

Muktainagar (Jalgaon District) – Sufiya Khan Arif Khan committed an obscene and unnatural act with a calf in a cowshed in the taluka. In protest of this incident, the entire Hindu community observed a strict shutdown in Muktainagar. Protesters have demanded that the accused’s house be demolished using a bulldozer.

This incident has deeply hurt the sentiments of the Hindu community. A complaint was filed by Jitendra Patil, the owner of the calf, following which a case has been registered.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Organizations like PETA, which blame Hindu festivals for troubling mute animals, are now silent. Why don’t they show compassion for this helpless calf ? (PETA – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization advocating for the ethical treatment of animals.)
  • If any supporter of Sharia law demands that the accused be buried waist-deep and stoned to death as per Sharia punishment, it should not come as a surprise !