In Kolar (Karnataka), Bible burnt when Christians did not heed Police warning of not distributing Bible door to door

Editorial comments

  • Why do Christians go to Hindus’ homes and propagate their sect ? Do Hindus ever go to Christian homes for propagating Hindu Dharma ? If Hindus distribute Hindu religious texts to Christians, will Christians ever read them ?
  • Even after being warned by the Police, if Christians still carry out such illegal activities, then they should be held liable if any untowardly incident happens.

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – Tension has surfaced in the Kolar District of Karnataka due to the burning of religious texts of Christians. Allegations were made against pro-Hindu organisations for the incident. So far no arrests have been made in the case. The pro-Hindu organisations have alleged that the people of the church were converting Hindus there. They were going door-to-door and were preaching Christianity to the people. They were stopped by the devout Hindus and the books were snatched from them and burnt.  There was no violence or killing at that time. The pro-Hindu activists and Christians have informed that the church has settled the matter.

The Police said that they had warned the Christians earlier, that if Christians go door to door in that area to distribute their religious books, then the situation would become tense. (Even after being warned Christians were going there, so why did the Police not stop them ? The Police should take action against such people for disturbing the communal harmony by not following the warnings of the Police. – Editor)

A few days ago, State Chief Minister Bommai had made a statement that an anti-conversion law is going to be implemented in Karnataka soon.