Popular Front of India (PFI) is trying to establish small organisations in different names in the wake of a possible ban on it

Editorial comment

Clever and tactful jihadi organisations ! The Centre should be alert and realising the danger should ban such anti-national organisations at the earliest.

New Delhi – Intelligence Bureau is keeping watch over the jihadi organisation PFI. The demand to ban it is being continuously made. As per the information, given the ban, PFI is planning to establish small organisations of different names across the country to run its agenda smoothly.  These organisations will be registered in the local registrar offices, sources said. According to intelligence inputs, the decision came from the top leadership of PFI. National Investigation Agency (NIA), Enforcement Directorate (ED), State Police Squad have registered many crimes and cases against PFI. Hence, in future, there is a possibility of the Centre imposing ban on it.