Most men in the US do not want to get married : Survey findings

In India, the figure is 42%

New Delhi – The Pew Research Center based on the 2019 American Community Survey, claims that a large number of men in the United States do not want to get married. Currently, 38% of men between the ages of 25 and 54 in the United States are unmarried or unwilling to marry. In  2000, the number of unmarried youth in this age group was 29%. Thirty-eight percent of men between the ages of 40 and 54 are unmarried and living with their parents. In the last 30 years, the number of unmarried men has exceeded the number of unmarried women.

The reason behind not getting married is the financial situation

The biggest reason for not getting married is the financial situation. The United States has a large number of unmarried and low-income people. Only young people with good jobs and good financial income want to get married. The situation is similar in India. While 39% of young people earning less than Rs 10,000 per month do not want to get married, 21% of those with a monthly income of more than Rs 60,000 want to remain unmarried. The number of men refusing to marry due to low income is higher than the number of women in the country.

42% of young people in India do not want to get married

A similar survey was conducted in India in the year 2020. It said 42% of young people between the ages of 26 and 40 do not want to get married and have children. The number of men and women who think so in India is the same.