British school and publisher withdraw book linking Hindu Dharma with terrorism

Consequent to the opposition by Indians in the UK

If Hindu Dharma is getting insulted overseas, Hindus abroad immediately wake up and protest, while Hindus in India remain inactive and asleep.

New Delhi – The ‘British GCSE Dharmik Studies workbook’ has been withdrawn from the website of a school in the UK. Its publisher has also withdrawn the book. This action was taken after the opposition by the Indian citizens in the UK. In this book, Hindus were called terrorists.

The book was available for downloading on the Langley School website in the Solihull area of the West Midlands. This book provided information about all the religions of the world. Later, questions need to be answered about on the topic. Hindu Dharma is described on page 4 of this book. It contained information that in Geeta, Shrikrushna was shown telling Arjuna to take up arms and fight. It read, ‘If the cause is right, then Hindus should take up arms. Some Hindus have resorted to terrorism to protect their traditions’.