O’ Indians ! Learn from such patriots who set ideals of pride in the Nation and honesty !

This is not merely a letter of a brave soldier who sacrificed his life while protecting the Nation, it is a lesson for many future generations to have pride in the Nation !

Before leaving to fight the enemy at ‘Tololing Top’ (near Srinagar-Kargil-Leh highway), Captain Vijayant Thapar calmly wrote the following letter to his parents as if he knew that he will die a hero’s death in this battle.

‘By the time you get this letter, I will be looking at you from the sky ! But I don’t regret it. If I am born again as a human, I will again join the Army and fight for the Nation ! If possible, come to this region and see where the Indian Army fought for your future ! I hope that my picture will be displayed at our ‘A coy’ temple. It is necessary to tell the stories of bravery of our soldiers who fought this war with a firm resolve to the young recruits of the Indian Army. Please enquire if my organs can be donated. You can offer money to an orphanage. Do not forget the sacrifices of the soldiers. Be proud of them. Please forgive me for all my mistakes. I wish you all the best. Live life like a king !’