Golden opportunity for Museologists and
Architects to participate in the mission to serve Dharma
Recent generations have preserved the Knowledge (in Vedas & Puranas) imparted by Sages thousands of years ago, biographies of Saints and pilgrimage places. That is why everyone is obtaining universal benefits from this Knowledge.
‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ is collecting rare artefacts associated with Hindu Dharma & culture, those available at pilgrimage places, objects used by Saints, their handwriting, thumb impressions and photos, etc. Besides these, many objects which have been attacked by distressing energies are also in this collection. This invaluable collection will prove to be a guide for thousands of years for students of the science of Spirituality.
1. Requirement of experts in the field of Museology (Science of museums) : Assistance of a Curator to take care of the artefacts in the museum (special training is imparted in this regard), a Museologist, etc. is required.
A. To study information on the process of preservation, guiding seekers about it and teaching them the process
B. To impart guidance on how to create the proper ambience for storing artefacts, how should the arrangement in the museum be, arrangement of display within, etc.
C. Making available material, chemicals required for the abovementioned purpose
D. Participating in the process of preservation
2. Require guidance from Vastu architects on setting up a grand museum : ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ has collected thousands of unique artefacts. The number of such artefacts is increasing day-by-day, and the Vishwavidyalay is planning to build a grand museum to house them. Guidance from architects and experts in the science of Vastu is required to create the proposed museum.
Participating in the mission started by ‘Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay’ for the benefit of coming generations would be a contribution to the mission of serving the Nation & Dharma.
Experts in this field who are desirous of participating in this satseva may please send information through their District-sevaks to Mrs. Bhagyashree Sawant on Mobile No. 7058885610.
Do mention if you would like to participate as satseva or would like to be compensated for your services.
E-mail :
Postal address : Mrs. Bhagyashree Sawant, Bhagawati Krupa Apartments, S-1, 2nd Floor, Building A, Dhavali, Ponda, Goa – 403 401.
Earnest request to readers, well-wishers and devout Hindus : If you are acquainted with any Curator, Museologist, Architect and/or Expert in the science of Vastu, please send detailed information about them on the Mobile number mentioned above.
Regular spiritual practice based on Universal spiritual laws increases spiritual purity in people and in the environment. Then, peace and prosperity are found in abundance.
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