Felicitation of Pujya (Mrs) Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar, who could strike a good balance between business and Spirituality, for reaching Sainthood

Pujya (Mrs) Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar

Sanatan Ashram (Ramnathi, Goa) – In this worldly life, it is rare to have the blessings of the Guru along with that of one’s Deity of Worship and the Family Deity at the same time. On 24th February, it was announced that Mrs Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar (Age 62), Sanatan’s seeker from Bandora, Ponda, Goa, who experiences the blessings of Shri Mahalakshmi Devi of Bandora, Family Deity Shri Vijayadurga and Guru Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Jayant Athavale every moment, has attained Sainthood by reaching the spiritual level of 72%.

Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal Felicitating Pujya (Mrs) Jyoti Sudin Dhavalikar

Shrisatshakti (Mrs) Binda Singbal (One of the two Spiritual Heirs of Sachchidananda Parabrahman [Dr] Athavale) gave this blissful news.

On this occasion, everyone present experienced deep gratitude, Chaitanya (Divine consciousness) and Anand (Bliss). The ceremony, which was held in Sanatan Ashram, was attended by Pujya (Mrs) Jyoti Dhavalikar’s mother Mrs Kalindi Gaonkar (Age 86, spiritual level 65%), sister Mrs Shruti Nitin Sahakari, brother-in-law Mr Nitin Sahakari, cousin Mrs Smita Bakhale, sister-in-law (Husband’s sister) Mrs Durga Desai, sister-in-law (Husband’s brother’s wife) Mrs Lata Dhavalikar (Age 65, spiritual level 65%), Mrs Gayatri Gadgil (Mrs Lata’s sister), Mr Guruprasad Sadhale (Mrs Lata’s brother) and his children Pranav & Poorva Sadhale, Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil, Pujya Prithviraj Hazare, Pujya (Mrs) Suman Naik. Besides, some seekers involved in the satseva of spreading Spirituality and from the Ashram were also present.