Administration removes several Hindu Rashtra hoardings and placards put up by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti at Kumbha Kshetra

Hoardings and plaques put up by Hindu Janajagruti Samiti at Kumbh Kshetra

Prayagraj – Hindu Janajagruti Samiti had put up hoardings and placards in Kumbha Kshetra to create awareness about Hindu Rashtra. These placards read, ‘Now the only goal is Hindu Rashtra’, ‘One solution to all problems: Hindu Rashtra’. Also, an appeal was made to visit the ‘Hindu Rashtra Exhibition’ of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti in Sector 6.

Of the placards put up, 3 placards were removed from Sector 9, and some from Sectors 6 and 7. Similarly, about 15 small placards placed on pillars and strategic places on roads have also been removed. Hindus have expressed surprise that the administration has removed these placards which created awareness among Hindus about Hindu Rashtra during the Kumbha Mela.

Editorial Perspective

Does the administration have issues against the Hindu Rashtra ? The administration should have bothered to ask the meaning of the Hindu Rashtra. On the one hand, while Shankaracharya, Akhadas, and Saints of various sects are raising slogans of Hindu Rashtra, and on the other hand, administration is objecting to placards and hoardings of Hindu Rashtra message. Isn’t this outrageous ?