Dhaka (Bangladesh) – In the Sunamganj District of Bangladesh, religious fanatics vandalised numerous Hindu homes and temples following an alleged Facebook post by a Hindu youth. To restore order, authorities have deployed a significant number of Police and military personnel in the area. On 3rd December, a 21-year-old Hindu youth named Akash Das, was accused of posting a Facebook comment critical of Maulana Mufti Mamunul Haque, a leader of the Hefazat-e-Islam organisation. Enraged by this, a mob of religious fanatics in Dowarabazar vandalised 130 houses and 20 Hindu temples, forcing 200 Hindu families to flee. Images and videos of the attacks have gone viral on social media. Police suspect the incident was pre-planned and have arrested Akash Das.
1. Khokan Roy, General Secretary of the Central Loknath Temple in Sunamganj, reported that the Loknath Temple was vandalised by Muslims, and valuables worth over Tk 15 lakh were stolen. Around 100 houses were also damaged. Guru Dey, President of the Upazila Puja Udjapan Parishad, stated that his house and the temple on his premises were also vandalised. Moreover, Muslim attackers looted several gold jewellery shops and stores owned by Hindus.
2. In the aftermath of this incident, Hindus in Sunamganj are questioning why the entire community is being punished for the alleged actions of one individual.
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