To start with, Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil performed different types of satsevas such as singing, writing articles for Sanatan’s Texts, video filming, interviewing, analysis of the events taking place in the subtle world, conducting spiritual research, and so on. With many qualities such as profound intelligence, great ability to understand the subtle realm, a longing for perfect and bhav-enriched satseva, etc., She performed all the satsevas with skill and promptness.
Since 2011, She has been spreading Spirituality by traveling lakhs of kilometers without paying heed to heat, rain, thirst and hunger. To preserve India’s cultural heritage, She visits places of pilgrimage, temples, Muths, historical places, etc. to film and collect information and rare items. She is constantly on the move for performing satsevas such as video-shooting of temples, meeting Saints and devotees. For some years now, She has been touring India as well as abroad according to the guidance from Maharshi.

There is hardly anyone in Sanatan who performs diverse satsevas with such skill and in such a short time ! This is the uniqueness of Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil.
Priti (Unconditional love) is Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil’s inherent character and She makes everyone feel at home with Her approach and Chaitanya-enriched voice. On their first meeting with Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil, even strangers are attracted to Her and they get the spiritual experience of the Divine power and strength in Her. She has associated many spiritually curious people, Saints and devotees in the society with Sanatan’s mission. Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Gadgil is active at the physical as well as the subtle level incessantly. Therefore, Her mission is not limited to only seekers and Sanatan; instead, it has become universal.
Now the mission is being accomplished only on the strength of Her existence and resolve.
Shrichitshakti (Mrs) Anjali Gadgil is adorned with many Divine qualities such as enthusiasm, blissfulness, yearning for serving Dharma, Priti, bhav unto God. She has set a perfect example of how devotion should be. May this mission continue to take place through Her – this is the greeting to Her on Her birthday.
– Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale (11.11.2024)