Offering (food) made in the Pitrupaksha is (supposedly) harmful to animals and birds : Claims Veterinarian

So-called animal lover and veterinarian Dr Hridesh Sharma’s baseless statement

Thane, Maharashtra – Food served to other animals and birds, including crows, during Pitrupaksha can be detrimental to their health, said animal lover and veterinarian Hridesh Sharma.

“Keep half cooked food in small quantities for animals and birds. Cooked food is for humans; but there has been no research on whether animals and birds will be able to digest it. Giving such foods can pose a threat to their health. While following the tradition of Pitrupaksha, one should consider the mute souls. The crow should be given food in a morsel like small quantity. Don’t give fried or seasoned foods,” he said.

The significance of pindadan (ritualistic offering of rice balls) and crows !


The crow is a medium in shradh rituals (traditional practice for ancestor veneration, on both departed ancestors and their descendants). The debt towards the ancestors is also included in the 4 debts mentioned by Hinduism. The crow has a special vision. Therefore, food items are kept as food for it in Pitrupaksha. According to spiritual science, when appealed during Pindadan ‘kakagati’ (motion of a crow) shows similarity with the motion of the lingdeha (the subtle body of the departed ancestors)  on the earth’s surface. The lingdeha enters the body of the crow and eats the food offered in pinda. It satisfies the lingdeha and the energy derived from that food gives it the inner strength for the journey ahead. The food kept for the ancestors should not only be seen from a gross point of view but also the subtle aspects behind it should be understood !

Editorial Perspectives

Crows, as well as other animals, eat food items dumped in the trash or outside the house, not only during Pitrupaksha, but at other times too. Such animal lovers then are not worried about the health of animals and birds ? This is a conspiracy to defame Hindu festivals on purpose ! Have they ever had such an affection for goats being slaughtered on the occasion of Bakri Eid ?